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Delph - Trial assembly

Dave Holt


Now I've got all three boards with track laid at home, I was able to assemble the three together for the first time on the lounge/diner floor - after moving a bit of furniture and a rug! The three sections together are just over 12 feet long, with another scenic board (as yet without track) to take the line off to the fiddle yard (at the far end, in the photos). Current work includes fitting the point motors, TOU's and Alex Jackson uncoupling magnets under the boards, together with trimming some rail ends at the board joints, opening up some rail joints for rail expansion and electrical isolation purposes and cosmetic rail joints at the appropriate positions (these latter cut into or through the rail head but not right through the full rail section). Then it's on to the wiring.

I think I will get three of the support boards made up, so i can have the boards at a good working height. Kneeling on the floor isn't doing my knees any good, despite use of a foam kneeling pad (intended for gardening!).

Photos show the three boards assembled on the floor.


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Recommended Comments

Hi Dave,

I never ralised the baseboards were shaped like that they look stunning, 'high tech' modern stuff.


Can't wait to see the builings in place as i'm sure you likewise.

What will you do for lighting?





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With the boards laid out it certainly goes to show how big even the most basic of railway facilities really is when modelled without much compression.


The coal staithes should make an interesting highlight at the bottom of that descending ramp.

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Thanks for the kind comments.


Peter: Yes, I can't wait to see the buildings in place - it will then start to look more like the real thing.

Curves rule, OK! The final scenic board also curves back out to follow the road and give room for the scenic break to disguise the end of the layout. In addition, there will be some light-weight, scenery only, boards along the back of the layout, not just the dead straight edge to the track support boards, as currently seen. These haven't been started yet.

The intention is to present the layout at a fairly high level (I think I've set the rail height at 1200 mm above ground level - if I seem a bit vague about this, I'm posting from work (lunch time!) and haven't got my notes to hand) - so it's viewed more or less side on, as if from a low hillside across the vally rather than as a helecopter pilot!

There will be a pelmet, etc., and backdrop provided by drapes to give a "letter box slot" arrangement. Lighting will be mounted behind the pelmet and, hopefully, arranged so as to avoid intrusive shadows. Time will tell! But that's a long way off, yet.


Craig: As you say, even a very modest facility is long in 4 mm, if built to scale. The coal staithes (drops?) will be a key feature, being right near the front and roughly central along the layout. The ramp you refer to is the basic support for a road which runs along the front of the layout for its full length (except where the river makes a brief on/off appearance in a sharp curve at a slightly lower level than the road). The road drops down almost the whole length of the boards shown with a grass embankment behind a stone retaining wall (increasing in height as the road not only drops down, but gets nearer the edge of the formation towards the far end before turning away and climbing towards the far end of the next board). Various trees and bushes (hawthorn, ellderberry, brambles, etc) line the railway boundary and will probably interfere with viewing of trains! (But not too much, I hope.)





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Shame these Blogs get hidden (until they are updated) as I missed all your updates from May. I didn't even know you had run your stock to Amlwch! It will be quite some layout when finished. Shame you didnt opt for '00' as I could have done a bit of through running from Greenfield! Only joking........It is me that should have gone P4.:D



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