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Not a Train in Sight

Chris Nevard




nevard_101128_catcott_IMG_8455_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.


I must admit to when photographing model railways, apart from the odd cut-away sort of shot to show a cameo or fine detail when shooting a layout for publication, I tend to always have a train in shot somewhere. This is probably something to do with the fact that inevitably that's what I end up doing when photographing full sized railway scenes where the train is very much the star.


In an attempt to break the habit, here is Catcott Burtle with not a train in sight. Imagine all that can be heard is a distant milking parlour, the twittering of the birds and the westerly wind blowing through the willow.


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  • RMweb Gold

With modelling to this standard, who needs to see a train?


As ever, inspirational stuff Chris.

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i hate to say it, but i have to agree. A very valid point here....... given the high standard of your scenic work its produced an image strong enough to stand alone without the usual bimbo distraction of the "big metal lumps". Much more tantalising. More please. How feasible would it be through manipulation of background and lighting to suggest different weather..... am i alone in finding that the railway in image and model exists only on sunny days with occasional forays into snow or evening gloom when reality suggest the amount of time with adverse weather outweighs the halcyon presentation. This is in no way a criticism of your outstanding work, more of a possible challenge?

thanks again for sharing and provoking my brain cell to life.


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Nah - life's too short and I'm no graphic artist sadly. To depict an overcast day I'd need to make a new backdrop (this one is really there) and light with no shadows.

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  • RMweb Premium
Nah - life's too short and I'm no graphic artist sadly. To depict an overcast day I'd need to make a new backdrop (this one is really there) and light with no shadows.


As I am only about 6 miles from Catcott would you like me to pop out and do one for you ? If I go tomorrow you

can have one with snow on the Mendips . :D

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Sidecar Racer - you're too kind, but Catcott is effectively finished and I'm not going to rebuild it now, I have to many other projects to be getting on with of my own and for Model Rail. Thank you again though :) B)

As the shot here shows, it's actually part of the layout and not computer generated for the photo which may surprise some...


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  • RMweb Premium

That looks very like the photograph found in the Middleton Press book!

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