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Seasonal Greetings



Can't get to work today, the council are running out of grit and only treating primary routes. Having spent 30 minutes digging out the drive and slithering up the lane, we were defeated by the first hill on the main road. So, I have moved out of the workshop and into the sitting room with the turf fire lit and am building coach bogies on the dining table while watching the birds on the feeder. Isn't life tough! Attached pic taken between alternating showers of snow and hail!


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John it does indeed appear to be a tough life on the otherside of the river! We've had a gentle dusting of the white stuff over here but nothing much to shout about just yet! Pleased to see that it's not hindering your Barrow Road Duties, it's good to see that they are made of stronger stuff in the West Country, it'll take more than a bit of snow to disrupt preceedings at Barrow Road! ;)


You're latest project has reminded me of that famous Sting song by the way, "The Cornishman in Donegal" :P :D


Happy modelling!



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What scale are the birds? They look extremely realistic!


Not a bad idea getting out to the railway workshop instead of taking a dangerous journey to work. Its (having days off when I couldn't get to work) about the only thing I miss having retired. :mocking_mini: :)

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