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Glasburgh Buses

Tay Bridge


The overbridge that is over the platforms on the raised section of Glasburgh was primarily to hide the fact that the sidings are very short and can only display DMUs or part of a train. These are static with power to the rails so that coach lighting can be fitted and DCC sound loco can sit idling.

However, a side product of this gives me an opportunity to have some road vehicles on this. To this end I have collected over the last 6-8 months a few suitable buses. Like the TMD itself these are to be the ones I used and remember from the period circa 1980.

Two of the buses purchased were suitable as released. However to get Tayside Region Buses I have had to dismantle and repaint a couple. I have also had to repaint the Alexander Y type as these single deckers in the correct livery go for daft money.

Here are the prototype pictures I am using to refresh the memories. I would be interested to hear of any buses anyone else has altered.

I will post pictures of the buses as they come out of the 'works paintshop!'




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