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6862 Derwent Grange

Sailor Charon


Not much to say about this at the moment - if only because the bits are in the post, and there's no post for a while, but just a quick heads up, I think, while I take a break from stripping wallpaper (did you need to know that? Probably not. Did you want to know that? Ah, too bad...)

The basic idea is to take the PD Marsh Grange body kit and put it together with an Ixion Manor chassis. I've picked the name, Derwent Grange, because there's a River Derwent that flows through Derby. And as I'm from Derbyshire...

I know I'm going to need to do something about the splashers (put them in the right place for the Grange, not the old Graham Farish Hall) but hopefully I won't have to fiddle with the length. (That's the thing I'm dreading most.) And yes, there will be pictures...


Again, if this works, I'm considering... Ah, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

The problem is that a few years ago, I bought some very expensive books - or should I say, potentially expensive books. A few of the RCTS books, for example. Anyway, for someone like me who's almost interested more in the might-have-been, and the nearly-was... they list some interesting stuff.


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