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Building a couple of wagons.

Sailor Charon


I got a slightly unexpected parcel today. That might seem unkind, but it was the last thing I ordered, so it really isn't meant that way.

So, today, I have been mostly building... The N gauge society Mink C.

I thought I'd start with something simple, and this was. A big thumbs up for that, A small thumbs down for the documentation, I know times are hard, but surely it would be worth reprinting the instructions rather than include an 'oh, by the way, half the instructions are now out of date. Ignore them.' And the assembly diagrams on the main sheet are... also not right.

Ok. Enough moaning. Like I said, this kit went together well. I don't use liquid glue anymore. I used to, but I had a Scopedog fall apart which I used it on, and I've never had the same trouble with the more gloopy stuff in tubes. A quick turn of a drill opened out a couple of buffer holes which wouldn't take buffers. But yes. Nice and simple. Ok, so it's just a van, but...

I think that I'm going to paint it bauxite - because BR didn't use dark grey. But yes, I'll probably be buying a couple more, since it might feel lonely.


Oh yes, I said a couple of wagons. The other is another N gauge society kit, the Mk1 Horsebox. Apart from the handrail - which I'll probably make out of fuse wire - it too looks fairly straight forward, and probably less likely to cause swearing than some of my Gundams did.

I'm not quite sure what colour to paint it. I'm thinking of painting it crimson, if only because I'm running coaches in blood and custard. Of course it might be a coincidence that BR changed their coaching stock to maroon...


It goes to show one thing, I suppose, like riding a bike, you don't forget how to do it.


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I built this recently too, nice and easy to put together. I'd agree about the instructions though, and I used reference photos to be sure. What are you going to use for transfers?



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At the moment, I'm not sure. I understand that the N Gauge Society... I thought I'd seen some transfers in the N Gauge Society catalogue. And there are. Unfortunately they're GWR transfers (rather than BR) But I suspect that there is something that would do the job.

As I haven't painted it yet, as I haven't been able to get to my friendly local (ha! It's an hour away by bus!) model shop, but once it's had a coat of bauxite paint - I was right, it is fitted. then I'll think about transfers. Probably use MMT074 Ex SR and GWR general vans (fitted), I think.

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