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Weathering, slapping paint on randomly and the dredded power lube of fail :(

Sylvian Tennant


Continuing my weathering practise I took the plunge and decided to do my first ever locomotive! And was very please with my first time results… until I cracked open the power lube and this ended in me accidentally coating the loco in this stuff after cleaning up the mess I caused whilst trying to free up the valve gear.



The story is I spilt it and afterwards absently maidenly picked up the loco and tender… whoops! What followed was a wipe down with baby wipes that left the loc look rather greasy. Which was nice but unfortunately I removed parts of the weathering. Also it was a rushed job so I could defiantly do better, and this has pretty much destroyed the rusted/greasy effect of the valve gear & coupling rods (plus the lube was a disastrous effect too.)



Anyway… after kicking a lot of my room about in frustration after wards here are the results.


The engine was an aold Hornby-tri-ang 9F a friend gave to me, there as some pics of it before the process on my gallery somewhere so you can take a look at the difference!!


These are before the final wash.



















The end product before the accident

















And finally after ward (and this morning after trying to get the sodding camera to work)
























Please don’t be too harsh… it was my first time and I did cock up :(





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Like the smoke box, tender sides and boiler sides, some obvious brush marks on the tender (sorry) but mostly better than mine so I should shut up at this point...

Perhaps an airbrush or a flat ended style "stippling" brush for the dust or try powders?

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Hello :)


I think you are being a little too harsh on yourself there, that doesnt look that bad at all. I agree with devondynosoars comments though but to me you are 90% there and as the old saying goes "practice makes perfect".


Great work.


Missy :)

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I don't see the aforementioned brushmarks tbh. The 9F looks very 'end-of-steam', and on its last legs.


As for the (truly) oily sheen - you may be able to find a domestic deagreasant to shift this (beware of surfacants which leave their own shine) or just use it as part of the weathering. I'm honestly not convinced that it's spoilt it. Would a matt varnish stick? :unsure:


Only thing I'd consider adding would be lightly spraying a matt black vertically down to give a soot deposit along the top of the model.


You went for it big-style with this one. And you have got away with it. B)

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Thanks guys, but can I just ask which pictures can you see the brush marks, so I can see where I went a bit awry?


I must admit one side of the tender looks better than the other! I think when I come to do further models with the same glossy finish, I'll spray it lightly with matt varnish.


I'm trying to avoid an airbrush as much as possible because a) I don't have one and B) unless it's a full re-livery I'd think I'd feel more accomplished in myself to learn how to hand brush weathering & c) I really can't be bothered cleaning up all the time afterwards.


Im must admit if it hadn't started to wiped the weathering job off already I would have been quite happy with it however, I think a light spray of matt varnish would help.


I yeah, I'm thinking of how to do the smoke deposites along the top without having to rely on an airbrush.


Im going to hunt around for powders & chalk pastels.

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