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22T Tube

Mark Forrest


Another outcome of my recent workbench tidy up is this Parkside Tube. I built a pair of these (one fitted the other unfitted) very early in my return to modelling and they have languished on and around the workbench, being subjected to various painting/weathering experiments ever since. Other than missing brake levers and door bangs the fitted wagon was in reasonable condition and the paint finish was looking pretty good so I decided to have a go at fixing it up.

I salvaged some replacement brake levers from the bits box, added new vee hangers (from a Mainly Trains wagon brake gear detailing etch) and a brass rod brake cross shaft. Replacement door bangs were from scraps of etched brass, bent to shape then melted in place. The buffers had already received attention, being fitted with some turned steel heads from 51L at some point in the past.


Once the new bits were painted it was ready to join the rest of the fleet:



The other one in the picture is a much more recent build, but I think these are now of a consistent standard and won't look out of place together on the layout:



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