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"Class 29 - D6130"

S.A.C Martin




The class 29 is starting to take shape - it is destined to become a two-tone green example, D6130, which was seen at Dundee Tay Bridge on occasion.





There's very little I have had to do to the model other than fit the etched (shawplan?) windows, which greatly improve the look of the cabs, then re-prime and paint using Railmatch British Railways Locomotive Green.


I have only done one yellow warning panel so far, and it needs stripping really and starting again, it's too thick but I think the shade is okay. Certainly it'll be different once it's under weathering anyway!




Overall I am loving this model. I need to do the band of green, and strip of grey for the full livery, source transfers and glazing, but other than that, this class 29 is coming along nicely and I have had very little to do with it as a project!


Until next time.


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Well, well, well! Some ScR naughtiness lurking here, buried in the blogs!


Glad you posted on the current thread about blogs, because I decided to take your self-deprecating remarks at face value and check this section out. And glad I have, because a man can never get enough Sad-Eyes coverage.


Out of interest, I think the way you've set out Copley Hill Works blog is actually rather good. I agree traffic to them is light (just as well in the case of 'Chard's Low Benchmarks, I think), and I for one am too time-starved to stray far from VNC and My Content, especially given the amount of Waverley Route traffic!


Excuses, excuses. Keep up the good work kiddo!

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My only shame is that there's quite a few unfinished projects, however my workbench is now organized and whilst the 4VEP has jumped the queue somewhat, D6130 is next and will be much happier I am sure with some glazing and numerals applied. I have actually finished the paint job but didn't get round to blogging it. I will now! :)

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