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Slag Ladle Wagon - part 5.



More work on the weathering. Followings Robert's (RT Models) advice I've sprayed the wagon with a few light coats of Humbrol 62 Leather (thinned with de-ionised water) to hopefully give an unpainted rusty finish. Personally I'm quite pleased with it as some of the dark base colour still shows. I'm unsure whether to add the lime stains, some ladles seem to be stained whilst others aren't. Also to be added are some dark stains around the trunions and springs to represent grease.






Opinions please!


Now I'm just waiting for some fine chain from Squires to complete the wagon.

(Funny how such a simple wagon can generate 5 blog entries...)

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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Looking good, can't wait to see it with some dollops of grease, the kind that looks like it has been applied with a shovel!


I was a little surprised when I saw that you had thinned the paint with de-ionised water, then I saw the pot of Humbrol Acrylic the model is posed on. Do they now do the full range in acrylic

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Having worked in the steel industry I can honestly say how authentic it looks!


I wonder what wheels you will be using for it?


Just one more suggestion. The prototype often had bits of solid slag in some of the places where it could have splashed out of the bowl and set solid like bird muck to your car windscreen!



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Good old Humbrol leather! I wonder how many railway modellers actually use it for such? This is cracking work BTW B)

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Thanks for the comments guys. Always appreciated.


Frank - the wheels are 8mm dia. 6 hole discs. I've thought about adding some solid slag (I believe its called 'skull') but I'm unsure about how to represent it, possibilities are fine N gauge ballast or Milliput. Or I might just leave it off...


Paul - The Humbrol Acrylic range is not, as far as I know, as big as the enamel but does cover most of the important colours, including the railway range. It seems to spray nicely.

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  • RMweb Gold

looks brilliant paul.


For those interested including paul, heres a photo of the upgraded kit ready for release which now has etches, production etches being delivered shortly. Just like Paul i'm waiting for the chain also and the wheels and bearings to complete the kit.


Regards Robert

RT Models


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  • RMweb Gold

Good old Humbrol leather! I wonder how many railway modellers actually use it for such? This is cracking work BTW B)


I've often thought that about paints! I suppose it is the natural look of Leather, but lovely work Paul.

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