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Small Scenic test-piece: Banff-ish Buildings

Russ (mines a pint)


A start has been made on the trainshed buildings, much confidence gained from getting the plans for the real one, thanks to a fellow RMWebber, much appreciated.






as mentioned before this layout will be 'inspired by' Banff, not a meticulous rendition.

- the building is definitely to be compressed lengthwise, having checked the plans, the full size would not fit in (and the one I've started building only just fits in- there may have to be more tweaks to the track ;) )


I'm much happier with the buildings now having ditched the butanone which I think must have expired it shelf-life or become contaminated, I'm now sticking stuff together with PVA which seems to work on 'most things' but ti is slower, a bit of assembly leave it and go do something else for a bit, its cut down on the swearing but it is of course alot slower overall.


-but thats given me chance to finish off to 'base level' of the ground in front of the track.




-its the 'old newspaper' method again, it'll never work :lol: - thats what they said last time!


instead of the messy wallpaper paste I just dampened the strips of newspaper then painted over with 50/50 dilute PVA when it was where I wanted it, then when almost dry (about 90-95%) get some emulsion over it - this is seude vinyl silk:




now been left to dry and the whole stuff is pretty solid, I may go for a second coat though just to be sure, this method worked very well on Deadwater Burn despite frequent movement it prothed durable, light and of course very cheap, the version seen here was in fact free, because the paper was one passed on from the neighbour, and the paint was left by the previous owner of the house :lol: - its cheaper and lighter than mod-roc and not 'that' much messier.


I've got to work out how or if at all to do the rest of the bits of the station building, the Kestrel building you saw earlier has been cut into sections now. The front bit which I altered with the windows is to go next to a little ornamental archwhich led into a kind of 'close' which gave access to the non-open end of the trainshed - if I go for representing the 'big hoose' in anyway it will probably be from the rear in low profile against the backscene.


Still waiting on the track to come, that should slow things down a bit! :D


Recommended Comments

Very nice indeed, it is always good to see the GNoSR represented in model form, they had some very nice little stations to base a model on.

My own favourite is just across the Deverton, but I just don't have the space for a model, so am also doing a "sort of" layout.

Banff is almost perfect for a model, with a high rocky backscene literally feet away from the track and train shed and the "big hoose" is a very impressive and most unlikely structure for such a small station.

What BR time period are you going for with this one ?

Keep up the good work.


Will watch this with interest (if I can get to grips with Blogs)




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  • RMweb Gold

I know I was in two minds whether to go for blog/thread etc. I might put a thread up too when I've something more to show... The blog format is good for starting out, ramblings and generally thinking aloud, bits can be added & removed without it making the other bits not make sense!


Yes Banff is ideal in alot of ways, perhaps a scenic break will have to be contrived but in the BAnff-ish plan linked to earlier this has already been taken care of by 'rippers', I've gone for a mixture of features from this and the plan in Ian Futers book 'Modelling Scotland's Railways, I dont think either trackplan is true to prototype, but I'll hopefully end up with the best bits of each.


Time period is at the moment right at 'the end' - seem to be a bit of a habit developing ;)

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Guest jim s-w


Hi Russ


This is constructive - Honest! That building looks pretty scruffy. You need to get things like the arch nice and smooth and also remember that a stone wall is thick. I would use a core of 4mm foamboard and clad both sides with your stone texture if I were you. I only say this as I carried on regardless with my first build of my signal box knowing that it wasnt really good enough. In the end I could stand it no longer and ripped all the cladding off and did it again.


Hope this is helpful



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi RussThis is constructive - Honest! That building looks pretty scruffy. You need to get things like the arch nice and smooth and also remember that a stone wall is thick. I would use a core of 4mm foamboard and clad both sides with your stone texture if I were you. I only say this as I carried on regardless with my first build of my signal box knowing that it wasnt really good enough. In the end I could stand it no longer and ripped all the cladding off and did it again.Hope this is helpfulJim



Dont worry Jim its far from finished that is just a mockup to judge sizes and proportions against the trackplan!

- its likely that the outside walls will survive but as you say the inside will be built and the arch probably either neatened up or rebuilt. its just to get an idea.

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