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Come in no 1 your time is up.......

Red Devil


LCC no 1 is perhaps my favourite tram, it ended up in Leeds because 2 Felthams were damaged, having looked closely over it at Crich it is a fantastic piece of history, the interior is basically as withdrawn in the late 50s and reeks of the period (not literally but you get my drift.!).




Weeks and months of hacking at bits of plastic had resulted in a part way there model intended as a master.




The one next to it is a borrowed model that despite a few flaws captures no 1 and I needed it to get my head round a few things, all was going ok and then the Shapeways thing happened, so after the Middleton Bogie trial it was time for No 1, first renders below, several faults but a nice beginning, more to follow when corrected.














I have also done some real modelling when I've had time, on the extension, I'll up date that sometime soon..........!


Since the initial entry I've been given permision to use these images of LCC1/Leeds301 on here, all are from the superb David Bradley Online http://www.trolleybus.net/ and all are from the Hugh Taylor collection and are credited as such, I find these pictures really evocotive of the era, hope you like them too.









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LCC No 1 is a lot more important than most people think. At the time of it's formation LT went against trams, and in a big way. Understandable as the only really modern trams on the books were 104 Felthams, prototypes plus production cars and LCC No 1. Well, it seems it didn't quite stop there as the LCC had ordered 100 sets of trucks from EMB. Now somehow or another the order was transfered to Liverpool along with the drawings of No1. And the rights to the patterns. So LCC No1 in a way was responsible for fathering the broad designs of subsequent Liverpool cars and as such it is very important.


Happy Modelling,


Mike Beard

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