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Track Plan



My intention for this layout was to be able to have a good mix of operation and mainline running of decent length trains (more than 5 coaches). I'm not too concerned about continuous running - which is why the layout only has 1 loop that could be used for this.


It is important for me to be able to build the layout one board at a time - so that the project can be done in bite sized chunks. the whole layout is very ambitions for a first layout (with over 50m of track) - and I'm keen to avoid the usual track of biting off too much and getting frustrated. For this reason I've designed it so that the first board that I will make can be operated as a stand alone layout - so that I've got something to show for my work even if I never finish the others!

The pictures below show the track plan as it currently stands for Burwood. The full diagram shows all track, including all the hidden track and staging areas. The more sparse diagram shows the track visible to the observer.

I have a minimum radius of 450mm (18") on visible track, and 270mm (10.5") in hidden areas - with one exception, which I intend to disguise with dense forest. The gradients are a maximum of 1.6% on visible areas and 3% in hidden areas.

I will be building lift out sections of scenery for all hidden pointwork. The layout will be positioned with the top edge (as it appears in these images) against a wall. Viewing access is from the other three sides. For convenience I have decided that towards the wall (up in these images) is "North" for the layout.


The village of Burwood itself is served by the small branch terminus at the south of the layout. The village extends south of the station (so most of it is off the board). The branch line to reach Burwood from the North passes under a dual track mainline viaduct, which runs East/West across the central board. To the West of the plan is the busy 4 platform terminus station and engine shed of a nearby town - which has yet to receive a name!

The central board, as well as the viaduct has a mainline junction where trains from terminus can either carry on East or turn North-East. On the Easternmost board I am currently planning to include a coal mine - but this may be scrapped if the layout looks too crowded when I eventually get to that point.


I'm hoping that, as there is a gap between the two settlements (Burwood on the South board and the town on the West board) and the track doesn't go direct from one to the other it won't look as though they are treading on each other's toes.


As you can see the South board looks a lot like the traditional branch terminus 1st layout - this is quite deliberate! I'm planning to build this board first and progress it to a good degree and learn as much as I can before I start building the others. This has a number of benefits:

1) It offers interesting modelling and operation by itself

2) It is significantly more simple than the other boards

3) It doesn't have any reversing loops - so the wiring and control is nice and simple for a first attempt

4) It will be relatively inexpensive to replace the track used in this board if I stuff it up


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