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76009 the Tender



Well after frightening myself about 76009 not being at Eastleigh in 1960...it was, so the money spent on the etched plate is not wasted.


Right, work on the engine now comes to a rest. I have adjusted the pickups and now the engine purrs along the test track quite smoothly.


For those interested I have three tracks on the test board.

The first is a straight track with a few lumps on it so that you can detect if the chassis is square (it will jump off the track) or if, as it goes over a hump, one of the wheels is not collecting current.

The other two tracks are curves. The first is at 1500mm the second at 1200mm.

The design is for a main line radius of 1524mm or 5 foot. So it must be able to negotiate 1500mm and it would be nice for it to get around 1200mm. It does both but it is on the limit at 1200mm. Perhaps nect time I will make the frames a 1/2mm narrower.


Now to progress on the tender.

I have made up frames, marking out the centres from the Airfix axle box centres. I measured these as being slightly different to the published drawings.


The cut down section at the front is more than intended as I was trying to get the height adjustment right, before realising that the error was not here.

I have attached a picture showing a close up of the cab roof against the tender top with the little tender roof missing.


Also is a picture of the modified tender front. (apologies for the poor quality). I have filled in the windows and removed the door hinge plates (I can't think what else to call them, answers on a postcard).

For those interested I have also attached a picture of the inside of the tender showing the body mounts.

The plasticard onto top of the frame is a height adjuster.


Next job is to make the pick-ups and paint the frame. Oh yes and blacken those wheels.


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