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Twin Peaks, or a tale of BR/Sulzer sixteen-wheelers to ride the WR rails...



Don't be fooled, this is a simple summary of Peaks to scale the two summits of the Waverley Route during the seven or so years of their dominance 1962-1968.


What we have here is the makings of a database, to which I will return occasionally to finesse and elaborate on the detail.


Anyway, Peaks were the staple motive power for the up and down Waverley class 1s, they filled in on secondary services (albeit not as much as many of the published works seem to suggest; that accolade seems more suited to 64B's Class 40s), and they powered many of the legendary car trains after steam's retreat. I have yet to do a depot by depot analysis to compare LM, E and NER predominance. I am ignoring D1-10 from this exercise, apart from trial of D7 and D10, they did not feature on the line.


Peaks are both a livery and nose-end-detail minefield for followers, and bearing in mind the Waverley closed in January '69, the class was in the midst of a huge transition in both respects at this time, with split-box specimens being rebuilt with single centre boxes.


Any class member to have traversed the WR (of the 140 that are thought to) can be assumed to have had opportunity to do so in original as built GSYP livery. The same cannot be said of any other livery without dated photographic data, or signal-box register evidence coupled with works repaint records.


Here, however, is the quick and dirty.


Split-box with doors D11-15, rebuilt with centre headcode.

Said to be common, regular performers on the WR, these do feature regularly in photographs. 12, 13 and 14 all wore eGSYP (economy green) before, presumably, going into works and emerging with the single centre headcode box mod applied to all of 11-18. 16 also wore eGSYP. Of this group, some photos exist of specific locos' use on the Waverley in split-box AND centre-headcode configuration.


Split-box no doors D16-30, D68-107 (16-18, 21, 82, 85, 86, 90, 91, 94, 106 rebuilt with centre-headcode).

All of 16-30 and a majority of the later batch worked the Waverley.

D24 wore BFYE without logos, whilst 25 uniquely went GSYP - eGSYP - eGFYE before BFYE, and 26 wore GFYE. No known aberrations exist from the remaining eight of the batch 19, 20, 22-23, 27-30, these are thought to go straight from GSYP to BFYE and retain their split boxes into the TOPS era.

Of Waverley interest, from the forty later build: 71, 91, 92 and 101 wore BSYP, 98* and 102 eGSYP, 83 BSYP no logo (along with 24 the second of only two in this livery, and both may have worked the WR like this). 100* had GFYE. Nice.

From the D68-107 batch, 68/72/3/6/8/9/80/2/4/7/93/4/103/5/6 are not known to have worked the line so I have omitted livery details for these.


Twin centre headcode panels Class 45: D31-67, D108-137 (33, 43, 51, 53*, 59*, 60*, 115, 116, 120, 126 rebuilt with centre-headcode)

Of the early batch, 40/9/50/6/8/65-7, and 109/10/3-6/9/26/31/2/4/7 of the latter, are not known to have worked the Waverley line and are excluded from the livery analysis.

The following sported eGSYP: 34, 36, 42, 63*, 123 and 125.

These had BSYP: 47, 51, 52*, 55*, 57, 59*, 61*, 64*, 133 and 135.

No twin-centre headcode 45s wore GFYE.


Class 46s were prolific performers over the Waverley Route, 47 of the 56 working it at some stage, the nine not yet confirmed as doing so being 141/4/6/9/51/2/6/8/9, which are considered no further here .

D138-166 were built with twin centre headcode panels (many people forget this, are in denial about it or living in ignorance of the fact, nonetheless it's true). D167-193 had single centre headcodes from new. We cannot tell without photographic evidence what state an individual loco was in when it worked a Waverley service. However, the rebuild of Class 46 to 'standard' happened fairly quickly between 1965 and 1967.

What is also true is that later 46s kept their tired original GSYP into the next decade.

Economy green 46s: 145, 147, 163*, 166 and 193, also later appearing in eGFYE were 166 and 193.

GFYE: 138, 154, 155 and 188.

EDIT: 192 acquired a unique squared-off black paintjob treatment to her headcode panels when she was first painted BFYE making them appear larger than usual.

No 46s wore BSYP.


Asterisked locos were those namers running in 1968.


Hopefully here, I have linked a pdf of an Excel spreadsheet summarizing the above blurb:

Peak livery matrix.pdf


And here's an allocation summary for the period May '62 when Peaks took over the Class 1 workings, until August '68, the last Peak reshuffle proper, before the WR closed:

Peak allox history.pdf

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Just started work on a Graham Farish peak, D163. Most useful blog indeed.


As always top quality info 'Chard.


Muchos gracias

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