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On hold until further notice...



My Catalan project is on hold until further notice, sadly, as I can't get enough insulation foam to carve in to the correct rock formations, as expanded polystyrene (which is as common as horse s*** around these parts) being too loose for the height and carving required. I've already experimented with that, and it looks really poor, and wobbles easily making the plaster formed faces crack.

So the locomotives, and already converted stock are in the 'MPD' until I get hold of enough blue foam to put myself in to a position to start carving it together.


However, that leaves me with one slight problem... The other half has promised that I'd show a layout at the November arts fair in the area, and my main layout is too big scenically, and prototypically un-Catalan and they are the things that I've got to include.


In the research folder, I've got plenty of small space ideas for something that would fit, but as most of them are fairly unique to certain parts of the region, it would mean buying stock up for that little area, converting it and without real emphasis on expansion, which to me is something I don't want to be getting in to.


Also, my in laws have been giving me some stick about 'model railways should be round and round', which to me is not the case as the only railway that I've ever seen that goes round in circles was the bit of track that was on the turntable at Barrow Hill roundhouse. This has been compounded by my nieces who have been pestering the in laws, my other half, their grandparents to get me to make something that chases it's own tail-light. This wouldn't be too much of a problem, as I can get some more boards for five euros a pop, and some second radius curve, and just extend it through when the kids come round, and this has been offset some by the grandparents saying that they'd put some money up for me making a circuit of track for the kids to watch trains go by on.


The only serious solution to this dilemma, now, is to break out the notebook and pencil, and go off down the bar for some thinking juice.


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  • RMweb Gold

When did we ever start listening to our in laws Sean? ;)


Build what you want and how you want it - If they want to see 'roundy roundy, tell them to visit this (which is well worth it, by the way).

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Damn, I wish I knew about that place last week! I was in Vic recently, and easiest way to get there takes me past Tona and on to Manresa...

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  • RMweb Gold

Its worth the rough track road...better if you have an off road vehicle as it avoids leaving your undercarriage behind as we nearly did.


Beware that he only opens Sundays as well...found that out to my cost :angry:


That said, it is very impressive what has been achieved - there's a bit too much of that luminous green flock for my liking, but hats off to the guy as its all his own work of 30 years or so and the automated running very impressive. All those wires :O


My two kids loved it...even though they prefer 'end to end' layouts :lol:

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I have made stuff up to 3ft high in ordinary polystyrene. Here are a few things I learned that might help you. I started by laminating the 3" sheet, like contours, joined with fast set no more nails stuff/gripfill. Add cocktail stick strengtheners between each layer. When you have the height you want push a few sharpened dowels or bamboo kebab sticks through from the top, leave to set 24hrs. After carving I cover the rocky bits with 3 thick coats of polyfiler. Tis usually sorts the naffness of finish you identify.

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Thanks for that, devondynosoar118, I'll have a look to see if I can raid enough from the skip down the back of the bathroom showroom to get that underway...<div>However, in the time being, well, today, I found a little spot that doesn't require so much stone work, so with that and what you've mentioned, I'll have a look in to it!</div>

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