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3rd time lucky



This is it for a while now, I promise! The more I use these oils, the more I like them, and the more I'm getting to grips with using them. The 3rd wagon is by far my favourite of the ones I've done recently, it just looks that bit better than the others.


I've used a photo of a different tank as a guide for this one, for a bit of variety:



The model:



I've used the same techniques that I've developed over the other two wagons, but have added more artificial highlights and shadows on the underframe, and on the roofwalk. Again, the underframe was exclusively oils, with talc added as required to matt the finish, the same was done to the bufferbeams.




The base grime under the filling hatch was created by loading the tiniest amount of paint onto the brush, then rubbing it gently over the barrel. The streaks were added with a small brush, then worked into the barrel by tapping and scrubbing until the desired effect was achieved.




I think a rake of these will look rather nice in the oil terminal on the layout, which I really should get on with building... smile.gif


More as and when!

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Yup, these really do look good... and now really looking forward to seeing that rake of these.

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Looking really good there Pugsley. I think the shadows and highlights are a worthwhile addition to the underframes since they don't have quite the separation between parts on the model that the real ones do - it all looks better-defined as a result. I tried to do the same thing (much more crudely!) with acrylics on my ballast wagons.


The streaks are nice and subtle too. Is this close to what the military modellers would call a filter?

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  • RMweb Gold

I drove past Laira Deport this afternoon on my way back from a meeting and slowed up (as much as a dare!) going past allotments. There was a nice rake of tanker wagons sitting at the far end of the deport and my first thought was ‘They look just like Martin’s!’:lol:








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Thanks everyone B) B)


Will, yes, they definitely add something to the model, so much so that it's going to become a standard technique, I think. The closest thing to a filter on this is the dabbing on of the different colours to add the variation in colour on the barrel. The best way to describe a filter is a coloured wash, that adds depth to the base colour. From what I can gather, grey normally responds best to a blue filter, so I added more blue dabs than any other colour. I'll do a step-by-step for the next one to demonstrate what I mean. I'll demonstrate the filter on something else, I've got a Dutch 33 about to enter works, so that might be a good candidate.

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Looking good Pugs! Must be time for a class photo so we can compare the differences! :D


Just a couple of points, from the photo there's almost a thin gap between the streaking on the walkway stantions and the tank body, mainly the outer 2 as the middle one looks to hid it. I do like the effect of the steaking though, very effective!


The other point was in regards to the walkways, would there have been any loss of paint/ware on the checker plate? Representable through drybrushing/highlights? I appreciate that you have to be careful not to overdo this!


Very interesting to compare this to Adam's approach! So how many more to do? :D

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Cheers Paul. There probably is scope for additional weathering to the roof walks, I just haven't managed to find a good photo taken from above yet. Now that Paul Bartlett's site is back up and running, I'll have to have a look through and see if I can find something suitable.


Class photo will come shortly - possibly tomorrow :D


Well spotted on the slight gap - I need to gently add a bit more paint in there. It's amazing what the eye doesn't see, but the camera picks up!

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Paul - there is definitely scope for additional weathering of the roofwalks, I've found a couple of photos that show grubby walkways on clean tanks as well as clean ones, like this:

TTA PR58247


So I can now add a bit more variety in terms of the top weathering.

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