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Modern N Gauge Buffer..a 1st attempt

Stu from EGDL


I'm working away at the moment and had a few spare hours this weekend. I rooted out a model shop in Lancaster CA, (Smith Brothers) and bought some plasticard and Plastic Weld. 15 minutes of cutting and glueing bodged up this freelance modern buffer stop. Not sure that the dimensions are quite right as I am several thousand miles away from my stock...but it looks in proportion. A coat of Rail Red and a plonk on a bit of track beckons when I get home, along with refining the design. From the money spent and the amount of plasticard bought, I reckon I can knock one of these out every 15 mins for very little cost. I reckon there is a gap in the market for a modern N Gauge buffer stop as the Peco ones are not really suitable any more for a modern railway..Comments, criticisms and brickbats to the usual address please!!!


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Nice work with those. I have always thought that Peco's products were a bit behind the times, they have the occaissional piece of kit for modern railways but there are other manufacturers in other countries that seem to be doing a very good job at making modern and historic kit for our lineside needs.


Sorry to keep going with the Peco rant but I also think that a lot of their products could do with a good update such as the sleeper spacings, point work (making it level when looking at a cross section).


But back to my main point, great work with them. Have you thought about making a cast of it and then making the rest out of Resin? I am sure other people might be interested in buying a few.



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Hi Stephen;


The thought of production does appeal...but with the shape and the lattice, resin casting is not really a goer. Splitting the buffer into 2 or 3 pieces may make it a little better. However, with only 9 pieces anyway from 4 different styles/sizes of plastruct, it is not onerous to build....just fiddly.

I have constructed a second one yesterday to a refined design, and although it looks similar, it is slightly different. I will be further refining the design a little, as Phil H has kindly sent me a few reference pics.





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