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Very small layout progress

Turin 60


Well folks, I've been pottering around on the new and very small 009 layout this weekend and can report that some progress has been made, it has to be as the layout will be at the 13th members day organised by the Wiltshire Group of the 009 Society this August.


Progress has been made on the buildings front, well certainly on their positions on the layout. I wanted a chapel on this layout after the two I had on Lower Peak Wharf only this one's going to be derelict and about to fall down, to this end an old Osset Mouldings cast plaster engine shed went under the razor saw this afternoon. Very messy! At least I wont have to scribe the cracks into/onto the building as they are already there!


There is going to be a shop tucked into the corner at the start of the hill up to and past two old lime kilns. For this the razor saw got a taste of a 1960's Triang Model Land hardware shop (did I hear a Model Land collector fall off a chair somewhere?), don't worry it was in really poor nick-how else do you think I could afford it!

The shop (probably a grocers) will only be fairly low relief tucked in between two houses and the aforementiond derelict chapel, so the back part can become the back of a house that will have a garage or workshop beside it adjacent to the top of the two old lime kilns. Space for a bit of garage type junk and clutter and because of the buildings position I won't have to put a front on it as it can't be seen from the front of the layout.


A lot of words but no pictures! So true. I will try and take a couple of photographs tomorrow evening and scan in my latest sketch plan of the layout which hopefully will make some sense of this verbage!




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