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GWR Indian Red



I'm sure this has already been done to death, but anyway...


This is a picture of a Dapol City of Truro used as a test bed for paint colours before I embark on an upgrade/improvement to a Hornby Dean Single.


City of Truro (Large Picture 1.3Mb)



The thing thats bothering me is the colour of the Indian Red frames. Having Red/Green rod/cone confusion (aka colour blindness) means that judging shades of red and green are not my strong point. However, one of my strong points is working with brushed acrylics far more than working with enamels or air brushes.


The colour of the frames is the important point. Please don't choke on your cornflakes about the *quality* of the paintwork - I know its terrible - just concentrate on the colour.


That is Games Workshop "Dark Flesh" and is the closest thing I have come across from Vellejo, Humbrol or Games Workshop that matches what I think Indian Red looks like. Far brownier and warmer than the red on the Bachmann City which looks very maroon (and therefore odd) to me.


I know this is all very subjective, but does anyone care to share an opinion?


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You're right, it has been discussed before. Try a google site search for 'indian red' using the search box at the top right of this page. As a starter, see my post in one of the earlier discussions which includes links to photos of models by David Bigcheeseplant, Mikkel, and myself. If there is a concensus, it is that that indian red was a reddish brown colour, rather less orangey than yours looks in the photo. The colour in your "My Picture" looks better, though could do with more brown.



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Yes, annoyingly the photograph does make it look brighter than it looks as the model sits here in front of me.<div><br></div><div>Interestingly, the picture in "My Picture"/Avatar thingy is a photo of the real engine, not a model, in preservation. Perhaps they mucked about with the colour on the preserved engine too?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks for the comment.</div>

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