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Thompson BZ

Etched Pixels


And then suddenly it's August and hardly any modelling time has happened.


The last couple of weeks I have had a bit of time however and got the Thompson BZ kit design done. This needs a few adjustments (making the roof extend over the ends a spot, moving the steps) but I'm pretty happy with the test run other than that. It rolls beautifully and it'll handle 9" curves.



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Looking very good there! B) Makes me think about some other 6 wheelers that made their way into LNER stock...

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I'm interested to see how the articulation works, and down to 9" radius. I'm guessing that it has much to do with the amount of play pleasantry.gif that N standards allow.

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It's entirely down to the play available in N scale. The 3 axles just sit in bearing cups. No Cleminson chassis or middle axle sliding in tube needed for the job. This works in general for N scale up to about 26ft wheelbase vehicles and I have various six wheelers made from sawn up Peco chassis that work this way. Below 9" the middle wheel needs to be free to move (eg the Dapol Stove-R has the middle axle sliding in a central bearing)



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I thought so. It didn't look in the picture like there were any special arrangements. Thank you for confirming. I'm working on the basis of 0.5mm or so each way will be enough for 2FS standards with a 19' wheelbase on sensible (not 9") curves.

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