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MMRS Running Night - Productive tests on Slattocks.



Slattocks was running on Friday night as part of the club's general running evening which has required a couple of nights of quickly adding new droppers to new sections of the fiddle yard.


The ability to test was well used by Andy C though testing stock for his new layout:


The 26 and 27, recently converted to P4 following the arrival of a package from Ultrascale turned their first wheels tonight at the MMRS running evening. Photographed on Slattocks the 26 is pulling its intended formation for the layout, a GUV heavily weathered, an SK and a BSK. The loco and GUV perambulated the layout with ease but the commonwealth bogies on the Sk and BSK had no lateral movement and derailed on the less kind bits of track - I think the solution is guite simple by taking some of the plastic on the underframe out to allow the bogies to pivot laterally and therefore become self compensating.


Next job is to detail and weather them, plus add couplings - and much to the displeasure of the P4 group members around, DGs ;-)


taken with my Nokia (for those in on the current RMRG joke!)

Source: North Ballachulish


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