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August Update, another Bulleid Rolls off the Workbench....



.... Figuratively speaking of course :lol: !


West Country 34103 Calstock was completed last week and is ready to go (whenever that will be ;) ) Here's a couple of shots of her.






Waiting to go back into the Paint-shop for it's final sealing coat of varnish, is a very decrepit looking T9 30117 :D, I had a lot of fun with this one, the weathering is a little bit of a departure from the norm for me ;)


Also about to go into the Paint-shop for a liberal dose of dirt and grime is Schools Class 30920 Rugby, not sure how much dirt to do on this one :lol: ! It's actually my first BR Green renaming for a Schools (the rest have been Lined Black), so I'm pretty pleased with how it went.


Not bad for me, all things considered, till the next time TBG


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