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Trigger Happy



A little update regarding my RSU woes: I got hold of aforementioned Carr's solder paste and have successfully constructed a couple of RCH wagon underframes without the problems encountered previously. It amazes me how little solder paste is required to produce a solid joint. My only issue now is the dispensing of the paste from the syringe. Even the most gentle momentary squeezing, it seems, will produce a string of the stuff oozing out of the nozzle after I put it down. I've taken to leaving it on the corner of the tinfoil and using it for scraping up in small quantities for applying detail parts but it is still a little frustrating.


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That's great news Rich! As for the splodges of solder paste - it does get better as you use more of the paste in the syringe, but I do have a little corner of the piece of plate glass worksheet that is covered in little mounds of dried solder paste!



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I usually pull the plunger back after dispensing a small amount. This usually manages to minimise the spillage.



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I hammered the end of my needle flat. Now I now have wide thin strips dispensed at a much slower rate.

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I'll think about Bryn's idea. I have taken to picking a little out of the tube with small parts and this 'modification' would probably prevent this.

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You could probably squash the end of the needle in a vice - much more controllable than a hammer, but a lot less fun!


Whatever you do, don't try and dismantle the syringe to see how much is left!

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I have replaced the needle supplied with a much finer one. These can be obtained from suppliers such as Eileen's, Squires etc.

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