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Well the dark nights seem to just be starting to creep in!

Russ (mines a pint)


Well we had a wonderful holiday in Lossiemouth, Banff station well theres not much to see these days! Macduff retains some station buildings though.

Top trip was Spey bay for the viaduct walk!


I've got alot of thoughts as to how I'm going to progress the hobby this year, and in the smaller scale which is essential for house-room purposes, I think I am going to be calling the 'box shifters'!


finding anyother than the easitrac plain track a right pain in the arse and the buildings are a problem too, I do like the scale though in terms of landscaping = I think its now time to face the N out of the box or back to 4mm question?


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  • RMweb Gold

I am sure you could achieve more than you think, but if you are not enjoying it it may not be for you. You can only follow your own path. If you opt for N gauge you could always go for 2mfs later without losing much. Years ago I realised that you had to work with the space you had and if yo went for 2mm, 4mm or 7mm it was just a case of how much you could fit in. I moved up from 2mm to 7mm. Now I inspired to do some more in 2mm but will retain the 7mm stuff. There is no one answer


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2FS is never going to be easy, my scrap box is evidence to that. Going back to N gauge track isn't going to help matters and it would be a shame to sell up to go back to 4mm.


Quite a lot of people moving from EM/P4 to 2FS have failed at the first hurdle. It isn't always matter of scaling down what you know, most skills have to be be learnt again from a different view point. It's like having to learn to ride a bike again, but this bike has square wheels! It's harder to change scales, than starting from a fresh.


I would suggest that you keep plodding on and experimenting, learning, reading up and try and enjoy the ups and down of this new scale. It's taken me the best part of 4 years to make 5 sidings and barely enough finished stock to make a single rake. But I enjoy it!


Maybe a small N gauge layout to get stock running and experiment with scenics will help, but still have the 2FS going on in the background? Start posting in the 2mm Finescale group, a small post about what your struggling with should turn out a few "tricks of the trade" from other members.


It's all about the journey, not the destination.

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  • RMweb Gold

Russ, hi,


I agree with the above posts...


If you can recreate in 2FS what you did with Deadwater Burn, then it will be very rewarding.


The majority of my rolling stock is re-wheeled N gauge running on 2FS track so I am easing myself in gradually and hope to start some 2FS kits soon.


Next month, I believe the Dapol BR Blue 26 is about to be released, so re-wheeling one of these, a class 24, a few Farish Mk I's and a gradual collection of wagons would suit your 2FS Scottish project rather nicely...


As Bryn says...its all about process...

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  • RMweb Gold

yeh, definitely want to stick with the scale and can see that it is making as much sense in the BR Blue era to stick with it - there is no need for any serious stock building hassle.


I did try making up one point over the summer but am struggling with the code40 rail even the heat/pressure from your fingers distorts it, let alone a soldering iron!

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Someone on here is doing Ropley in N with easitrack IIRC. Looks amazing, and would tempt me.


Is there no better N gauge track than awful Peco stuff? Something like Tillig in HO, except in N?


Trackbuilding doesn't bother me so much in 4mm, but rewheeling everything is a ballache. Does wonders for the wallet as a reason not to buy things though! "Nah, not buying one of those, can't be bothered rewheeling/regauging it" :lol:




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  • RMweb Gold

If you can recreate in 2FS what you did with Deadwater Burn,

Thats possibly a good suggestion, you think just because you can build in one scale you could just progress into another, but its probably not the case really.


could have a similar simple plan, same buildings (as the plans are readily available) but different scenic features or even slightly different (ie NBR -somewhere else) or maybe even get some of those nice ready made MR buildings h'mmm?



in N with easitrack IIRC. Looks amazing, and would tempt me.



Yeah, that'd probably be the 'fallback' option as I have quite a bit of easitrack to get through!

thinking about it though, I was probably attempting 'curved points' which i had got to in 4mm maybe I try just a normal straight point next - the advantage of getting a dead straight stock rail using a 'straight edge' rather than fingers, might just be where its at! - the filing guides for the rails (vees) are fantastic - wish I'd had those in EM!


-so a 2mm 'son of Deadwater' then? - I could get fired up about that, still miss the old layout!

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