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Milford Dock(the old pages)



Its not big,its not clever but it is Welsh!Now Milford Dock


by slow8dirty


original page on Old RMweb



??? posted on Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:51 pm


Hi all fairly new poster so go gentle,

just worked out how to upload images so i thought id bore you all with a few ropey pics of my ropey N Gauge effort. Not a lot to see yet(currently working on point motors and isolations) would you believe this is the result of 15 months work! icon_redface.gif

Only my second layout, my first had to be dismantled half way through due to the arrival of my baby son. icon_biggrin.gif








The birth of my son and the arrival of decent n gauge modern stock basically started this project off. Its small set in south wales c2004-2007 and isn't that original, I wonder if any hawkeyes will recognise the track plan? I was looking for something in the same area came across this layout and couldnt come up with anything better to fit my wants. so terrible but i am going down my own path with it. icon_redface.gif icon_smile.gif

so any questions, critiscism, comments,opinions flak or help gratefully recieved and viewed. I'll plan to slowly add to this but trust me nothing will move quickly, so if you didnt like Treoch(i did!) turn away now! icon_lol.gif

Cheers Matt Smith


Comment posted by Jamesonb on Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:57 pm


Holland Park?


Comment posted by corax67 on Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:00 pm


Looks familiar but I cannot put a name to it - nice and neat though and the control panel looks good too.



??? posted on Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:04 pm


Jamesonb wrote:

Holland Park?

No, but now you mention it i can see your thinking, now there's an idea icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif

corax67 wrote:

Looks familiar but I cannot put a name to it - nice and neat though and the control panel looks good too.

Thankyou, i've tried to learn from the first attempt, no missing sleepers and not relying on point blades for contact. The control panel is a last minute job, forgot to add any room for it when planning icon_rolleyes.gif icon_frustrated.gif ill tidy it it up once all wiring is complete, lots of lessons learnt and being learnt as i go here.

Any other takers for the inspiring layout(or whose idea I ripped off depending on your point of view icon_wink.gif )it was Wales based.

Cheers for your comments



Comment posted by dyserthroad on Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:11 pm


Jamesonb wrote:

Holland Park?

You called icon_biggrin.gif



??? posted on Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:17 pm


he he icon_redface.gif

No no, the inspiration from yourself is just some top quality modern era modelling to aspire to, saw Holland Rd at Showcase, easily one of my favourites. icon_drool.gif



Comment posted by dyserthroad on Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:19 pm


slow8dirty wrote:

saw Holland Rd at Showcase, easily one of my favourites.

I didn't see that one I was to busy with Holland Park icon_wink.gif



??? posted on Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:26 pm


icon_rolleyes.gif Sorry that'll be the cider sharpening my faculties icon_biggrin.gif


Comment posted by Tom Middleton on Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:28 pm


Looking good, pleased keep us updated!



??? posted on Sun Jun 22, 2008 4:13 pm


Fiddle yard and 1 cassette now complete and fully wired to the rest of the layout.

sorry about the qaulity of the pics ill sort the camera/operator out in a bit icon_rolleyes.gif






??? posted on Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:29 am


The plan,

Right not a lot to show at the moment cos i'm roughly working at the pace of 1 point motor/day! So heres the general background to my project.

The original idea is from John Anderson's Aberdaugleddaw(RM Apr05) a fictitious substitute for Milford Haven in the late sectorisation period. I've seen the model liked what i saw so i'm using the concept but taking forward a decade or so.




So this leaves us with a small rundown station, a few Portakabin staion buildings. a small but busy loco stabling point, a freight only branch to the docks, requiring reversal for access, undesirable but unavoidable once modern developments had taken place prior to the redevelopment of the North docks and short enterprise workings up to MOD Gashpipes.

The trackplan is essentially the same as the original but N gauge has allowed me to stretch the plan so i can comfortably accomodate top and tailed 4 coach sets ala ATWs loco hauled reliefs and football specials.Work is progressing, also building up my stock list iaw with a working timetable taken from ATWs passenger timetable and freight tables for South Wales. I'll try and keep things updated as i go along as much to spur me on as much as anything else, Hope this isn't proving too boring icon_biggrin.gif

Please feel free to post critiscism,advice or questions

Cheers Matt



??? posted on Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:42 pm


WOW June the 27 and in that time i have wired up a grand total of 5 point and accessory switches, and one of those connected the frog with the opposite end of the layout by mistake!! Work has totally deprived me of muc spare time so that is my excuse. I have bashed a peco train shed for the maintenance shed, not complete just enough to give me dimensions. Now umming and ahing wether to use a small pikestuff shed instead(much better quality than the peco and not as common) or use it stripped down on the fuelling point, maybe one building too far. Does anyone know the whereabouts of any pictures of the sheds at camarthen they could prove useful. Also busily voiding the warranty on my bachfar turbostar ready to convert it into a 175 with the etched pixels kits. Pics to follow. not a lot to show but progress is progress no matter how glacial, icon_biggrin.gif



??? posted on Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:19 pm



Finally the electrics are complete, and to celebrate heres a pic of a ATW 158 breaking the "ribbon"! icon_lol.gif




Its amazing how much time can be whiled away before you realise you've actually designed in a couple of major short cicuits icon_rolleyes.gif

Time to move on to some actual modelling now and try to get my head around the nitty gritty of the signalling. ho hum.

Progress, Glacial but progess.

cheers Matt.


Comment posted by Sir Jacky on Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:02 am


Thats looking good. Keep the updates coming. icon_smile.gif


Comment posted by MartinWales on Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:12 pm


Nice one! icon_thumbsup2.gif . That really bought a smile to my face icon_mrgreen.gif Keep it up!


Comment posted by pacer lover on Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:05 pm


great layout icon_biggrin.gif

i look forward in following the updates

love the 158 breaking the ribbon icon_clap.gif it reminds me of when atw open the vale of glamorgan line with 150

can i ask what it said on it?



??? posted on Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:57 pm


he he, It said "PECO STREAMLINE SL-300F CODE 55", I think it was provided by the permanent way contractors icon_wink.gif Or was that all i had to hand in my solder fumes adlled moment of lunacy icon_confused.gif Thanks for the comments guys


Comment posted by mason on Sat Nov 01, 2008 1:29 pm


looking good matt, think we are coasting along the same lines, you have ya wiring done and i havent and im working thru my scenics and you arnt icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif its coming togther tho mate keep up the good work


Comment posted by Trainsrgr8 on Sat Nov 01, 2008 3:34 pm


Coming along well Matt!! icon_biggrin.gif icon_biggrin.gif


Danny icon_thumbsup2.gif



??? posted on Sat Nov 01, 2008 5:53 pm


Right some more pics to show the projects alive rather than actual progress. icon_smile.gif




First steps on the two overbridges.




Final position, crummy light but there is some colour to those walls. icon_redface.gif




Halfway with the cut&shut trainshed kit.


So paint the backscene, bring up the land contour a bit and start ballasting the track. Ooh bout 3yrs the rate i work at! Just picked up a large logo 50 off e-bay so those ATW mkIIs are urgently required, hello Electra?

Other than that My Hippo conversion has moved from 4%-8%complete. Oh and I looked at my PFA kits today . Breakneck:) icon_smile.gif icon_biggrin.gif

Least I finally got out me armchair. icon_lol.gif


Comment posted by Trainsrgr8 on Sat Nov 01, 2008 6:23 pm


You making a 175???


Is there a kit for this???





??? posted on Sat Nov 01, 2008 6:47 pm


Hi Danny,its a conversion kit for the Bachfar turbostar, have a look on tinterweb for Etchedpixels or go to Electra Railway Graphics its a bit of a joint venture between the two.




Comment posted by Trainsrgr8 on Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:23 pm


Cool, can't wait to see it when you have finished!!!


Danny icon_thumbsup2.gif



??? posted on Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:40 pm


Hi all,

I was hoping to post great progress on the layout by now, with the ballasting completed and serious thought on the scenics starting, alas it was not to be. A fact that to be honest was really starting to sap my enthusiasm for the project icon_sad.gif

However a little bit of unexpected free time to crack on with things has got me cheery again.

I really must say again thankyou to all who responded both on thread and by PM to my request for help with the signalling, Thankyou all guys, you know who you are! The help given and the effort taken by others just shows what a great place this is.

Anyway whats ocurring? Bearing mind almost every modelling task I do is a first or only the second time round, I took an inordinate amount of pleasure knocking together a metcalfe platfom kit today. I was a bit dubious about card but I was really impressed with the kit, simple things eh?

Base coat of blue has been added to the backscene,Beginnings of the landform framework is in place, fuelling point built but not painted or detailed yet.

Ballasting has started and is progressing slowly in these temperatures! What is covered is just the initial pass, ive yet to chip away the unwanted lumps and add to the bald patches, and then theres painting, s&t cable trunking and troughs etc.Oh and the basic platform temporarily in place, which is really helping me to picture what this will be like when no longer a bare plank!

Some pics of work so far, not the best quality I'm afraid icon_redface.gif



Overview of the station with basic platform temporarily in place. not looking shiny or papery icon_thumbsup2.gif

This view is evidently from the latter half of 2006 as that is when the gaugemaster track rubber was outbased at Milford Dock. icon_razz.gif



View to the NorthWest showing progress of the initial ballasting.



Birds eye view from the road bridges.



Closer view of ballasted area.



In autumn sunshine Atw 158 leaves for Clarbeston Rd and ballasted lines as a shed on a docks branch trip ticks over in the goods loop.



Spotters view from the platform end.


Enough drivel from me now, next time I post the ballasting will be complete and track painted I Promise!! icon_wave.gif


Comment posted by dave_long on Sat Jan 17, 2009 3:29 pm


Coming along nicely. I like those dark blue hooded steel vans. Ballasting is starting well by the looks of it.



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