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7. The High Street Experience.

John Geeee


The OO Garden Shed


By John Geeee


I wanted to do something to add to the scene around the terminus station. I got the wood out again and added about another 8 inches to the left hand side baseboards so that I could add a row of high street shops and at the top end some kind of factory.






To cover the baseboard joins I put down some black card and stuck it with some spray adhesive. It seemed a good idea at the time but about 12 months later the card has slowly bubbled up and become uneven. So I am currently thinking about repairing the road surface. Otherwise the black card worked well and I applied light coloured weathering powders with a brush to grey it off. I added a wall to the right side as the boundary to the station. Then I created a pavement on both sides using the Metcalfe self adhesive paving. All the shops, banks and pubs are Metcalfe kits for now. In the long term I will have a go at making my own shop fronts by scratchbuilding with plasticard etc, but thats probably a few years away yet! At this end of the high street I want to add a hotel structure facing the station building but I am yet to find a suitable kit.


The back scene is created from Townscene backscenes stuck onto card and then the skyline was trimmed around all the roofs and chimneys etc.












When I have repaired the road I will then add more details like street lighting, zebra crossing, road markings etc.


The top end had a Metcalfe industrial building for a while but it eventually gets replaced with a Scalescenes warehouse structure, this will appear in a later chapter. Here are some pictures of it for propserity ;-)







Next up - Another extension to add another turntable and loco service yard.


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