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If the cap fits!



Having read and had a good chuckle at the recent blog entry by Tim (DesA) re: “The sheep dip” has inspired me to write this entry about traits found amongst the internet model railway community, namely the “Rivet Counter”, “Expert”, “Me Too!” and the “Troll” amongst others

It’s hard sometimes to differentiate between some of these groups; there being some overlap between them.

The real rivet counter on one hand is so pedantic ,some times to the point of great annoyance, usually quoting a series of diagram numbers, loco numbers, wagon numbers, coach numbers and any other number you can think of.

I suppose the modern day word for such a person in computing circles would be “Geek” or “Nerd” these words not being around when the name “Rivet counter” was coined.

Now, I don’t dislike the so called “Rivet counter” as a lot of the time this vast store of information is useful, there being a great number of people here who really DO know what they are talking about.

That is IF the “rivet counter” knows what he is talking about of course, and that is where things sometimes go belly up, because, it can lead to a full blown argument between two “Rivet Counters” (or Expert) each with their own fixed idea and knowledge. Both (or more than two) ending up with a full blown rant on one of the forums and giving the forum moderators a headache. (I know I’ve been there!).

Which brings me on to the next trait in this wonderful world of Internet railway modelling, (although not just confined to this section of web life.) This is the” Troll”

Generally speaking a “Troll” is someone who would be happy to start an argument between other internet users (usually between two “Experts” or “Rivet Counters” )then disappear to let them get on with it, never to be seen contributing to the thread again.

Alternatively the “Troll” might just post the opening topic on a controversial issue then stand back and watch the fireworks from the safety of behind his/her computer screen.

Then we have the so called “Expert” usually posting in threads nothing to do with the forums main interest. (In this case railway modelling) This usually, but not always, centres around such subjects as electrics/electronics, Cars, Carpentry, Satellite TV, Photography and a host of other subjects.

Nine times out of ten the so called “Expert” will quiz another “Expert” on his reply to the original posting, resulting in another full blown rant by other so called experts. In the end the original poster is confused and no nearer to getting the information asked for in the first place!

I well remember seeing a thread here on RMWeb about 13Amp plugs that took up about half a dozen pages! 90% of which was pure chaff!

Most of the above has already happened to me, and to be honest it’s one of the reasons I don’t contribute many posts to forums. It wouldn’t be right to post names, quote quotes and replies I have received over the years.

This entry is more or less guaranteed to attract the best of the above type of people. I shall be more than surprised if it didn’t!

I could even be accused of being a “Troll” myself for having the nerve to post my honest thoughts on the subject!

Still, I wait with bated breath for the negative comments to come back, but don’t hold your breath waiting for me to rise to the bait because I won’t. If there is one thing I’ve learned since being involved with this internet malarkey ii’s how to use the “Ignore” button!

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Its very easy to spot the internet types that you talk about Frank. And even easier to ignore them. If it wasn't for the hassle that they cause the Mods. their behaviour would be quite amusing.



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Aye it's surprising what you can tell about someone by what they write on the net.


Yes it is,

And by the replies you get or don't get as the case may be.




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