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Officially Modelling season!

Russ (mines a pint)


Well it seems to be getting dark early and we've even had sleat today!


You may remember I was having doubts over the new 'small scale' despite the chances of having nothing more than a VERY small plank in 4mm.


The 2mm stuff does seem very fiddly, but I think I'll just try persevering. Someone mentioned the idea of doing a simple layout in the style of my old EM one, Deadwater Burn, based on the Deadwater on the Border counties route- the more I think about it it aint such a bad idea. I have all the building plans, my N gauge stuff for conversion fits the bill.


The simple trackplan really does help too, having such an affinity with the area through walking and cycling in it there's still an appeal in it.


So another similar layout, though it won't be a model of a model, i would certainly change some things-


Its definitely going to be BR Blue it wont be the same ridiculous level of stock as on the EM one!

- there is an advantage in the 2mm scale of end to end the whole thing should fit into a 4ft board, and still seem more spacious than the 4mm one.

- I may even be able to include most of the fiddle yard in the 4 ft possibly with a bit of cassette sticking out of each end.

- cassettes should be a foot or maybe 15/18 inches maximum.

- less shunting more through running I dont think 2mm scale is a good scale for shunting, couplings too fiddly & wagons too lightweight. Probably go for permanently coupled rakes of wagons possibly the odd 'house-coal' wagon to be dropped off?


So in the context of a blue era layout it will be passenger service with the 108, possibly as a working halt (possibly request stop) - or just passing through, freight would be MOD traffic in the context of the Warcop or Eskmeals branches, but in ex NBR territory somewhere north of the Carlisle-Hexham- Newcastle line, but not sure just exactly where yet.


there will be no 2mm border sign lol! the 4mm one was difficult enough!!!

- with just one or two points will keep trying to build them but if all else fails there is someone who builds to order for 2mm association members so with a low number of points can always fork out for them if need be.


So that leaves room for my 24 and DMU and possibly a 26 when Dapol get round to the 'non-airbrake' version, it'll give me time to save up!


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Glad to see your sticking with it. On the shunting point, I could point you to lots of 2mil layouts with loads of shunting, and the DG's are not so bad when you get going with them.


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I find it really hard to summon the energy for modelling in Autumn and Winter, I'm much more a Spring/Summer person. Maybe it's the light, or maybe I just don't spend enough time outdoors!

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  • RMweb Gold

Go for it it. If you enjoyed that sort of concept in 4mm you should enjoy it in 2mm.

Shunting is possible in 2mm years ago I first joined the 2mm Association impressed with the shunting on John Greenwood's Bodmine and Nick Dearnley's MR layout. However these gentlemen are the D and G of DG couplings so they realy knew how to set them up. John was showing his magic with Wenford Goods at Aldershot. Something to aspire to I think.

I think if you get the layout built and some set trains running back and forth by then you will be able to think about shunting. I suggest however inserting some electromagnets (see Missy's Highclere Blog) in a few places as you build and just connect them up later.


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  • RMweb Gold

Someone mentioned the idea of doing a simple layout in the style of my old EM one, Deadwater Burn...




Go on Russ....you know you want to...plus the evenings have started getting darker just for you to get cracking on it!

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