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Setting-up time

Will Vale





Unteren Hirschsprung Tunnel by Will Vale, on Flickr


Well, it's showtime tomorrow! I've been finishing things off as best as possible this week - as ever there's an awful lot which could be done that hasn't been done, but I think the overall result has the right kind of consistency. The deciduous forest also failed to materialise - I made and planted a lot of trees, but they weren't really good enough to they ended up getting yanked out agian. The bog brush firs are a cliche but they're one I quite like, they don't stand out as being wrong to me in the same way.


My main complaint is that it's a little dull - there aren't any people, vehicles, buildings, signs, or details apart from landscaping, so at the moment the layout feels a bit like a canvas waiting to be filled in some strange way. I'm quite looking forward to approaching this job at a slightly gentler pace - three months for one layout isn't enough time really, although it does help to keep me motivated.


Luckily my DB stock in both Epoch III and Epoch V modes is nice and colourful, and everything works well, so tomorrow I can run trains and chat to people without having a late night beforehand - I think that's the first time actually!






Big thanks to Murray for securing our group a corner where we're all together, and scaring up some barriers from the Kennel Club - that means I can put the layout up on crates on top of the trestle table to get the right viewing height. I'll try and get some better pictures tomorrow, but for now here are some grab shots (with slightly off colour balance - some kind of ICC problem maybe - and blurry moving train) of the new bits:


Here's the bridge over the Engenbachdobel - I made a nice set of checkrails and centre walkway for this, but they don't fit as the locos seem to protrude slightly beneath rail-top level - ah well.






and here's the narrows of the Hirschsprung itself. My dad found an N-scale goat on one of the trade stands, I might grab that tomorrow as a stag stand-in :D






If any Kiwis are reading this and fancy visiting tomorrow or Sunday, come to the show and say hi!



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  • RMweb Gold

Still can't believe you built this in 3 months Will - Fantastic work.


I kind of like the no car highway...I guess it only needs one or two vehicles on it so as to not overcook it...


I do hope the show goes well for you.

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Oh how I wish I could see this in person!


Maybe you could make a special trip down with it to the next Chch show? :)


Can you show us your view of it too?

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Thanks for the compliments!


I checked and it wasn't really three months, I started the board in July which makes it just about four. Apologies for making dubious claims :)


Would love to come to ChCh but have never had an invite to the show. In fact the only one I've been to apart from Railex is Masterton. Probably just as well, the travel + accommodation make it an expensive business attending shows away from home.

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Here's the bridge over the Engenbachdobel - I made a nice set of checkrails and centre walkway for this, but they don't fit as the locos seem to protrude slightly beneath rail-top level - ah well.


Can you file a bit off the locos? I guess that the checkrail/alkway will have to be thinned down to allow clearance.


Still can't believe you built this in 3 months Will - Fantastic work. I kind of like the no car highway...I guess it only needs one or two vehicles on it so as to not overcook it... I do hope the show goes well for you.

Even in four that's ridiculous dedication and effort.


Regarding the road: How about having the Top Gear road trip with three supercars tailing it along with a film crew hanging out the back of an estate car?

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Will - one word - wonderful.

It's been a great journey so far, thank you for sharing it with us all :) This should be a 'feature' in the next MI I think...

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Thanks again! I like the idea of filing down the belly pans of all the locos, would make them much easier to oil too if the gears were all exposed :)


The show went well, I have some pics to post tomorrow when I'm less tired. I actually got home nice and early but then had to make tea for a sick family. I spent the rest of the evening pretending to be Batman - great success.

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