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Railbus returns



In the last few days I have returned to a stalled project, my Dapol Railbus. The interior has been painted, and some passenger have been painted and added.




I have also painted the lining on the doors and the kick plates. Glazing has been added and the Railbus put back together in the hope I might get to run it at the club open day tomorrow. Unfortunately I have yet to find a crew that will fit in the rather confined cabs, so it has host drivers at the moment. Also I need to add windscreen wipers and the control desks.


I need to varnish it yet, hopefully that will loose some of the shine on the transfers. It has a slight bend on it, made to look worse in the photos, hopefully when the roof is on that will keep it square and get rid of the bow in the floor.




As is obvious in the pictures, the roof is only placed on, I will need to find a better way to attach it, but still be able to remove it to get to the inside, especially when I need to convert it to DCC. The roof itself is still in primer, so needs work.


It is a Dapol plastic kit, with Branchlines motorising and interior kit, the half dozen passengers are from Langley, I went for white metal figures to try to add a bit of weight to it. It runs reasonably now it has a bit more weight, but is rather a lot of noise for such a small thing. I suspect something is rubbing, since I had to slacken the screw that holds the bogie to the body slightly to make it run.


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I have done one of these and despite my best efforts still seems to have a bannana for a chassis.

I put it down to an optical illusion.

Windscreen wiper is only in front of the driver.

My one only likes running in one direction.

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I seem to remember that glueing the roof on makes the body much stronger (and straighter!).


The interior kit looks good; I like the handrails on the tops of the seats.





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