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Slow Progress



Not a great deal of progress since my last entry, mainly due to the fact that until I can get a trench dug gown to the garden shed to lay the electric cable, my modelling is limited to the weekends and eventhe only whilst the sun is up.


However "Hayfield" of this Parish has continued to do me proud with his trackbuilding and I thought you might like to see his latest builds. The first two shots show the South end of the station and once the pointwork to the left has been laid and connected in, this end of the station is complete.


I can then mark out for the platrforms and get these built, allowing me to build the steps to the main station concourse, thus setting the height at which the main station building will be fixed.


This next photo gives a wider shot of progress so far blogentry-7075-0-64714800-1322573722_thumb.jpg


and this one a close up on the two scissor crossovers blogentry-7075-0-23341300-1322573734_thumb.jpgwhich were in the middle of the station. Unprototypically these will sit on the bridge over Great Charles Street, rather than to one side and yes I know points shouldn't be on bridges but I can't help it given the space constraints.


As you can see Platform 9/10 can easily accomodate an eight coach train, indeed there should be room for a nine coach train with engine, ten with the engine just sitting beyond the platform - memo to self make sure that the fiddle yard is big enough.



Progress can now start on the North end

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