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The plank!



Well, I haven't posted for a while but I did find time recently to throw together a photo plank for my N gauge stock.



(Click the image for a larger version on my Flikr account)


The idea was to chop up a slice of foam board, glue some track down to it and see what happened, having never done much in the way of scenic work in this scale. I'm relatively pleased with what came out.



(Click the image for a larger version on my Flikr account)


This over view shows its a pretty simple affair - the hardstanding is a place holder until I can put something more substantial in place. It certainly makes an improvement on taking photos of stock plonked on the garden table! Track is Peco code 55 stuck down with PVA, ballasted using Johnsons' Klear with a drop of black ink to shade it down a touch. Ballast was what I had in stock and could probably do with being finer. The other brown scatter is stuff I had lying around from my wargaming models and the static grass used for the first time (with the exception of an odd clump here and there). Not many photos as it was a bit windy out, and I had visions of it being launched into orbit taking my 08 etc. with it!


All good experience gained for when I finally create a layout proper...

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Pretty impressive progress!


Glad the foamboard came in handy, though you have put me to shame as my boards are still bright pink :(


How have you weathered the rails?


Are you thinking of putting a small backdrop on there? I guess if you got some stiff white card, you could photoshop a backdrop on....afterall it is a photo plank!!!


I think I best get me a photoplank under way....I've been re-inspired!



Lee :D

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Thanks gents! I used humbrol acrylic rust colour (402, i think) to weather the rail - with a steady hand a small brush.


I suppose there is nothing to stop me trying out some backscene techniques too - like I say,this is all a learning excersise!

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