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Hornby class 47s repair options? Help?

I need a 47 for a freight train so i've dug out 2 Hornby class 47 bodies from the garage that need some work.


the first though has damage on the buffer beam and i was wondering if this was possible to repair easily


blogentry-11924-0-70275100-1327865568.jpg or should it just go in the bin?


is it worth the effort?


the second needs the paint sorting and then new motor and bogies finding as these are beyond repair




what would be the best way to strip paint from the second example??


thanks in advance for the help


Source: Hornby class 47s


I may just use these bodies as a test bed for fitting grilles etc.
Would like to try to add fans and etched grills.


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are these plastic body locomotives,

if so i make the suggestion on the secon locomotive to put it in a tub of brake oil, i have used this option and it works well im currently in the middle of rebuilding a J94,


the first model seems to be the easiest to re-do if you have any spare buffer beams basically just cut and glue


if none of these are to your satisfaction i could say lose one loco to rebuild the second

if not i would be very interested in buying them both off you (for the right price)

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Hi wootang

yes they are both plastic

i'm tempted to try the paint strip out and see what happens

i'd like to try to put detailed fans in the roof also

if it all turns nasty on a free second hand body then no loss

if it comes out ok then i may just swap the body onto a working chasis and decent working model on the cheap.



Have you got any where with these?




still in a to do box

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