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Me and my big mouth - a new local show for Derbyshire!



Me and my big mouth!


My South Derbyshire school is celebrating its 5th anniversary in its new building this year. As part of the celebrations we have set up a fundraising drive in order to pay off our remaining share of the cost of the new build. The headteacher had asked for fundraising ideas.

I have run many a quiz night for the school over the last few years and I am sure I will be doing another one before the summer. But apparantly we need more events. Well I said it didn't I? I made the suggestion of holding a small model railway show in our building to help with the fundraising. Of course I expected the women in the school, who all have no railway interest, to laugh it off and tell the token male in the school to not be so silly.






The headteacher thought it was an excellent idea, and now I found myself responsible for organising it! Oh and she wants it this year as well!!!


What was I thinking???


Now at present the date is to be finalised. The three favoured dates are Saturday 8th September, Saturday 13th October and Saturday 10th November. Not sure which one it will be yet, but expect this to be decided in the near future. I am just checking dates of other local shows in order to avoid any clashes.

I do have two traders who have promised to attend the event whatever the date. Once I know the actual date I will be approaching a few more.


But its layouts I need. I need help here!!!! I need small exhibition layouts whose owners are prepared to help out a stressed fellow modeller and attend. As this is a new show I am looking for local people as we can't be paying out loads on expenses. Can anyone help???


Oh...and if that wasn't enough! If my big mouth had not got me in enough trouble, I then heard myself saying that I would display a layout of my own. It looks like my developing home layout, Skaleby, is going to have a little brother!!!! I think I'm going to be going for the old classic of an ex-GWR branch terminus. More on this as I make, what will have to be rapid, progress.



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Panic not - I found myself in your situation about 8 years ago and was show manager for 3 years before handing over to someone else.


Do you just need layouts, or help with anything else organisation wise as I'm sure there are plenty of people who are happy to help.

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At the moment it is mainly the layouts as I am calling on the school's Parents Association to provide refreshments. But any help and advice that is available will be gratefully received!!!

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The important thing I'd suggest is to find out what rooms you have available, and what clear space there is - then draw it out on some graph paper with 1 square to 6 inches or something, and then when you get your layouts confirmed make up little squares to the same scale and then you can see where things fit.


Make sure you have decent walkways - I believe 6-8ft is recommended - and don't cram things in too tight.


Once you have a date, make sure you advertise it; model magazines, RMWeb, UKModelshops etc, even a small ad in the local paper a week or so before is helpful, and you might get some editorial space particulary as it's sorta charity. Asking the local mayor, MP or other figure to open the show might help along that line too.


Programmes are essential, and you might also get some local firms to advertise in it to offset the costs of printing it and perhaps fundraise in it too.


Of course you may already have thought of all this but every little helps :)

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Thanks for the info. I know what spaces I can use for the show, but have not measured these out yet. I like the idea of using the graph paper to mark out the spaces.


We have used the school hall for Christmas and summer fayres before, and the Parents Association have done a show with lots of pampering stalls for a "Lady's Night" so I, roughly, know how many tables I could fit in for trade stands.


My rough plan is to a "square" of exhibitors with the layouts around the outer edge of the hall so that they are near the plug sockets and thus avoiding wires having to stretch too far. In the middle, facing the layouts, I would then have the bulk of the trade stands. I have two traders committed to attending providing they can make the date,


We also have a couple of long, wide corridors in the school and I would try and get some shelf type layouts to display along these. I plan to then put my, still to be constructed, layout in one of the other rooms which I reckon I can use.


I had not really considered the programme as I thought that the show may be too small to warrant one. But now you mentioned the idea of getting firms to advertise in it I think that would be very sensible. Thanks.


As for advertising. I definitely will advertise on here, and will use the as many other avenues that are financially viable. Like the idea of editorial space in the paper. I had considered trying to get it into the "events diary" of the model magazines as I reckon these would be quite cheap. I also plan to make up leaflets to distribute at other shows and through local railway outlets.


Not thought about who would open it. Nice idea. I wonder if Pete Waterman is free lol!!!!!


Thanks for your comments and ideas, its given me lots to think about. Much appreciated!


PS So far I have one RMWeb blogger who has offerred their layout for the show.. Thanks to them too.

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PM Andy_P. He's Swad based and has several small Exhibition layouts that I sure he would let you choose from.

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As Exhibition manager of the Blyth & Tyne MRS for the past eleven years I have been through the same process as you finding out the hard way.

Much of the advice you have been given so far along with your own ideas are good, I have a few of my own that may be appropriate for you -


1) The events diary in the model magazines are free, but will require you to submit your information at least two months in advance (Contact them to get the latest submission dates). Incorporate as much info as possible i.e Number & Names of layouts, trade & demos. Disabled access, public transport connections, address of venue and a contact number, e-mail and name.


2) You could also ask the magazines to do a small feature on the show about a month before the show to maximise publicity.


3) another source of fundraising would be to run a Tombola at the show, ask everyone involved at the school, involved with organising the show and traders to donate a prize.


4) You will need as many road signs as you can get to direct the visitors to your show. Look at the main routes to your venue and work out how many signs you will need at the main junctions & roundabouts etc. You will need to contact the local council highway dept and inform them you will be putting them up the day before and taking them down at the end of the show. That way you may avoid all the unecessary red tape and fees they charge.


5) For your programme a simple A4 single sheet or multiple sheets stapled together may be sufficent. You could get the school to print them for you thus saving on costs. Money can be raised by getting local shops & traders at the show to advertise in them (say £10 for a 1/4 page advert). That way you can give them out free thus increasing the coverage for the adverts.


6) Design a poster which the school may also print for you and display them in as many areas where people meet, Supermarkets, Libraries, Newsagents, Schools, Shops, Barbers, Chip Shops/Takeaway shops etc. If you also print some flyers (A6 size) you can distribute them around these areas as well. You can also ask local schools & nurseries to give them to to the children to take home.


7) Ask the school to advertise it via the local authority website or by contacting the council direct to incorporate on to their website under local events, this should all be free.


8) Contact as many local papers as possible to do a feature leading up to the show, if you have a layout they can feature you with it will help.


9) Contact the local radio stations as some of them may do a whats on local events section also I believe Steve Wright on Radio 2 does something similar(Check the Radio 2 website).


10) contact the local TV stations as they may think it will be a worthwhile news story (Though don't hold your breath as they are very fickle) especially if you have say the Mayor or some celebrity etc to open the show.


11) Make sure there is plenty of free tea & coffee for the exhibitors (Traders will provide their own). Also do you intend to provide a meal for the exhibitors? If you are not then you will need to inform them prior so they can make their own arrangements (Once again the traders will provide their own).


Hope this helps, if you need any more help just PM me.




Chris Stafford

RAILEX NE Exhibition Manager

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Thanks for all comments so far.

I will contact the model railway mags once the date is finalised. Likewise for the local radio stations etc. The tombola idea is a great one, another thing I will pass onto the Parents Association.


As for road signs, the parish council clerk works at the school so I will contact her first and then highways after if necessary.


Posters and leaflets are in the early design stage, although some for the local area may be placed in the hands of the children in the older classes in the school.


I had thought about the refreshments. This will be passed onto the Parents association again. They are used to catering for our other fundraising events so that shouldn't be a problem. As regards free lunches for the exhibitiors I plan to give them a pass to allow them free stuff from the refreshment stall. Since we plan to have bacon / sausage cobs, crisps, cakes, teas and coffees etc I hope that will cover that.

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  • RMweb Gold

You can have Summat Colliery, subject to dates being confirmed etc - bung me a tenner for petrol and I'm there ;)

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The show is at Weston on Trent. I hope to have the final date by the weekend, if not then early next week.

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  • RMweb Premium

I can bring my 'Irton Road' 09 layout based on the Ravenglass & Eskdale with Heywood stock if you like - its 5 x 2 feet and local, with some features to entertain.

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I've got a US H0 layout I'd be happy to bring. I'm only 10 min down the road in Lichfield. Front operated so will go up against a wall nicely. scenic 5'x20" with spur fiddleyard 3' extra length. CSX Miami based.



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Thanks to all for the layout offers I will message you all individually to respond. Things are beginning to take shape now, and in less than a week my stress level has dipped slightly. What a great website RMWeb is. If anyone else has offers of help they will still be very well received!

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