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Here we go again, Deltic destruction.



Not much has been happening in the last few weeks on my modelling front, work seems to have taken over again, anyway after a cold but very enjoyable day at the East Lancs yesterday i seem to have re captured my enthusiasm to start hacking things about again so heres the latest project.


I bought a very tatty Bachmann Nimbus off Ebay months ago after id got St PAddy almost sorted with the plan to 'shawplan' another deltic. Nimbus was looking a bit worse for where with alot of orangy brown 'weathering' daubed on, after a quick model strip a couple of weeks back heres what i had to work with




Theres still a bit of muck here and there but its scrubbed up better than i thought it would, first of all i removed all the windows, plastic handrails, lamp irons, buffers and fan grilles to leave the shell, no easy feat as they had been glued in with something that feels indistructable!



Anyway after tidied up a bit i and removing the excess glue that was on the front and the stubbs of the handrails i started filing down the bonnet tops,these will be replaced with the excellent shawplan etches i bought at Doncaster a few weeks ago. When i did St Paddy I did a bit of re profiling of the bonnet top and curves, to me the Bachmann bosy isnt quite right here so i just kept sanding and filing until i was happy, Jon 020 also did a bit of work here but i think it was a bit more scientific than mine so ill have to revist his blogs.




After a bit of flattening i gave up pending a bit more research before i go too far, next task on the list filing the moulded kick plates below the doors, carving off as much as i dared i finished off with with a file and then some fine sand paper.

After sanding down i reached for the mini drill and started chain drilling to open out the foot holes for the kick plates and then started on the body side grilles. Im not sure if it was a rubbish drill bit or not but as i went around the body the plastic seemed to blunt it the bit pretty quick and heated up the chuck so now it feels as if my thumb prints are burnt off!



Finally i opened out all the holes and also opened out the boiler & exhaust ports and removed the moulded lips ready for the etched replacements. Thats about all for tonight, hopefully in the next couple of days ill gain some momentum and start building up the shawplan bodyside grilles i got a Doncaster, they arnt cheap but they really do make a difference


So heres hows shes looking as i packed up for the night, a bit folorn and looking a bit like something at the back of the doncaster scrap line, but hopefully itl be looking a bit better soon.


Thanks for looking, any thoughts please give me a shout and hopefully ill have more progress this week.



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Hi James


Can i suggest, if you have gone to the trouble of flattening the nose, you replace the windscreen surround too? It appears from your photos that you are still a way off getting the nose to the right profile and the window etch will help you sort this. Plus it does look very good when fitted! :D


Keep up the good work.



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James, hi... good start... but I agree with Rob that you need to look athe bonnet top profile which is actually near-flat (not quite).... so whilst you need to remove alot of material from the w/s end, the nose end is hardly touched. When I did mine, I took just enough off from the front to remove the bonnet door mounldings.. but not much else. Don't worry though as toy can always add some filler to the front and build it back up and then file/smooth down again. A trick Brian taught me was to hold the model up to the light and look from underneath at the bonnet area, the plastic should be thinned so that the lighter blue area (of the thinner plastic) is uniform... this way you can see whether you need to remove more from either side... or whether you're getting closer.

It's all a bit hit and miss to be honest... and one of the trickier bits; let's face it, Heljan can't get it right can they, so don't expect to get it right first time! The curve around the edges is subtle and the top in elevation isn't quite flat - there is still some curve to the doors. I hope my blog photos will help.. if not, drop me a pm and I'll see if I've any I didn't post online to better show it.. and I'll try and add them here.

Go to Brain Hanson's Extreme Etchings blog site and the picture references, and there is all his photos - which also might help; I mentioned this site in my BRM article too - just can't recall it right now.

It's a start... ... don't rush it... and keep the faith ;-) Thrum thrum



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cheers chaps, its still very early days and ill be back on with the files and sand paper.....


Cheers for the tips Jon last night was just about getting most of the raised detail ground down, tonight ill be looking at the bonnet tops and curves and getting the front window frames sorted, and maybe the grilles, about time i unpacked all the etchings they make such a difference couldnt believe the improvement when i did the on Paddy last time. Just got to fing me CD of pics Brian has sent me now...


If you can find some more pics Jone please add them, ill be taking my laptop modelling with me tonight.


Thanks all for looking and the encouragement



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