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One Month down!



Another week and another blog entry. It is a month since I started this blog, and at the time I saw it more as an appeal for help than something I would update regularly. Now it seems that I have settled into a habit of updating it each week. I hope that people are finding these thoughts and experiences of a show organising virgin of some interest. Here is the latest!


The show - taking stock!


After my intial appeal for layouts a month ago I was overwhelmed with the response and offers of help I received. Understandably things have slowed up at the moment.

At present there are 5 layout owners booked and confirmed, bringing 7 layouts between them. Three of these layouts have been allocated space in the school hall. The other 4 are still planned for other rooms. A 6th owner has confirmed their attendance. All I need to do is decide which of his two show layouts I want. They differ quite a lot in size, so I have decided to wait and see what else I may get before I confirm arrangements with him.

A colleague, who visits our school once a week, is a member of the Belper model railway group. He has promised to bring his layout, although this is still to be finished, and I am continuing with my own construction project (see below). So technically I can probably say that I have 10 layouts of different sizes and gauges attending the show.

This week I have also confirmed the booking of two trade stands. This gives me three traders definitely attending so far. There are still some tables still to be sold though.


So what next?


Well I am still waiting on a few replies....

- One preservation society was approached at a recent exhibition and expressed an interest in the event. Despite taking my details I am yet to hear from them.

- A model railway group expressed an interest at the same show. This would involve them bringing a layout and having a trade stand. They also took my details but no reply yet.

- One local railway based charity have promised to take a stand, the arrangements need to be confirmed.

- I am awaiting confirmation from 3 layout owners.


No panic yet though, the date is still a long way away and people are probably so busy with all the shows that are happening locally at the moment. Mind you, any further RMWebbers who could help with layouts would be welcome.


The school is keen to have some kind of tombola or raffle. My wife has kindly offered her services and is going to contact companies for donations of prizes. I hope that she has more luck than me after I drew a blank from both Hornby and Bachmann. Both stating that they only supported charities local to them. At least they replied I suppose.


The show layout


The baseboards for Skaleby West returned from the workshops (aka my dad's garage) at the weekend. They are now fitted with the under frame supports and back and side boards. The model is now starting to resemble the skeleton of a show layout. I have loosely laid out the track onto the cork track bed to give an impression of how the final model will look. The first shot gives a general view of the whole baseboard.



Whilst the second is a close up of the small goods yard area.



At first I was a bit worried that the tunnel holes were not big enough, but a quick test with a Hornby coach has cleared up this concern.


The next jobs will be to paint the backboards. They currently sport a rough layer of undercoat and will be covered with a grey / blue colour to resemble the sky. This paint was used on the bedroom walls and gives a decent backdrop to my permenant Skaleby model (see other blog).

The other job will be to lay the track and fit the point motors. Now that will be a challenge!

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Good luck with the electrics and scenics. I'm pretty much at this point with my own layout currently. I'm using piano-wire-in-rod point control. Its a lot cheaper and quicker than motors. You might want to consider it if you've never done motors before. I might be doing a tutorial on it soon because I'm almost ready to start installing it.

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Thanks for the advice. At present I am looking at using point motors. I have acquired a couple of Hornby ones and aim to begin installing them after the weekend.

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