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Episode 15X: "The Parting of Ways"

S.A.C Martin


Air Date:


31st July 2009


These are the stories they tell...



It is the parting of ways...Stephen saves Hawk from the scrapman, and helps Gronk in his rehabilitation at Leeds Central...


I had shot a lot of unseen footage for "Day of the Deltic" and had cut the story back a lot to make it a full half hour special. In many respects, what you see here is very much the "real" ending of that episode, split into three chapters. Why were they split? In the "Making of" video, I used the three bits of extra footage as "shorts" to break up the monologue explaining how I made the scenery, faces, did shots and lighting and so on. This is a good technique for Youtube, it keeps the audience attention up and also makes for a more fulfilling and interesting video overall.


The reason it wasn't numbered 16 in the series of episodes was my general feeling that this video was simply allowing the youtubers the opportunity to see each "short" one after the other, allowing the full story to be exposed. It was not an episodes as such in its own right, but it was an interesting diversion after "Day of the Deltic" that gave a little more insight into the long running plots in the series.


Touching on the story briefly, we finally say goodbye - for the last time - to Hawk, whose identity as 9400 was confirmed by Stephen at the end of the episode. Gronk comes to terms with his leaving Copley Hill, and Stephen converses with a friend (the standard 4MT, Jerry, who is named after my father). The conversation at the end of the part, "Jerry's Ghost" is in many respects setting up the next batch of episodes. The ghost referred to by both Stephen and Jerry, is going to be the main focus of the forthcoming Episode 17...


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