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CP Rail Class SW9 No.7401 - A Profile




CP Rail No.7401, as photographed in March 2012. A strong and powerful Canadian diesel locomotive, this engine was purchased prior to 2007, and has been an invaluable member of the fleet for years. Slow and strong, with a tough and durable build to match, this diesel is a popular choice for slow freight, and is a member of the core fleet of locomotives. Modifications to this locomotive include the removal of its non-standard knuckle couplers (replaced with loops for use here), as well as the fitting of buffers to allow partial legality on the line. Though the STC's line follows its own rules and buffers are not strictly necessary, traveling on the main line requires these to be fitted.



The side of the locomotive, showing the profile more accurately. There are some similarities between it and the former No.2325 - the shape and style of the two are similar. However, while No.2325 was a Class SW1 diesel locomotive, this is a Class SW9 - a distinct difference in terms of details and looks, and certainly in terms of power. Where No.2325 was a weaker engine, this diesel is slow but strong. With directional lighting and a powerful motor and mechanism fitted to this locomotive, its differences to the SW1 are vast.



The front of the locomotive. Though it is showing signs of age and wear, the locomotive still looks fine and performs very capably. One of the few faults with it are the somewhat flimsier handrails - the SW1, for its faults, was more solid in its construction in this respect.



The handrails are fine but fairly red, while the lettering on the diesel is crisp and accurate. Vents and details are accurate, and the horn and bell details are well-done as well.



The cab of the locomotive, where the logo and other details are branded cleanly on the sides. This locomotive is relatively simple for the crews to operate, though in wintertime it is not a preferred locomotive; heating is not pleasant to deal with.



The rear of the locomotive, where the buffers and couplings are seen again. The warning stripes here are immaculate, and the detail sound. Though not as detailed as some locomotives out there it's still high in quality and depth, and looks a treat on the line.



The front of the locomotive. Overall a capable and highly regarded machine. Any industrial railway that requires a powerful diesel locomotive that's a bit out of the ordinary should consider importing one of these machines.


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