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Well it has been that time of year again - the Derby show at Moorways. I always look forward to this event as it is practically on my doorstep. I have been visiting each year since I was knee high to a grasshopper and the show was at the Assembly Rooms. It is a little smaller these days since the switch to the new venue, but at least it does have a free on-site car park which is an improvement. The new date (May instead of April) also ensures that it avoids clashing with any Rams home games and this year it avoided clashing with the FA Cup Final too!


The show did not disappoint. I thoroughly enjoyed it. There was a good mix of layouts and trade stands and was able to pick up a few items for my ongoing modelling projects, acquiring a point motor and some more ballast material which should allow me to get back to work on Skaleby West. Time is ticking towards our show in November!! On the subject of which I did drop off a large pile of advertising leaflets for this event, fingers crossed a few of them went during the weekend!


Onto the layouts and I was pleased to see again three excellent layouts which I had first seen at previous shows. The 009 gauge layout "Crumley" is superb. Dad thought the scenics were a bit too "brown" for his liking - but he is notoriously picky!! To me it gave the perfect impression of a day during a long hot summer (I believe we used to have a few of those). The layout has a strange view. You sort of look at it from one end, at an angle, allowing you to look up (or down) the valley as the trains make their way from one station to another. Excellent!


The other two layouts have also appeared in the Hornby Magazine. The 00 gauge "Kirkby Stephen West" is an excellent model of the S&C. It has a constant stream of trains and lots of great detail. I love the tv detector (Rivett Counter detector van!!) and the bonfire. They are nice touches. The O gauge "Hospital Gates" is also truely superb.


There were many other excellent models, including a lovely micro GWR branch line station which I think was called Aylett End! This gave me plenty of inspiration for my own modelling project.


Sadly during my time there I did see a number of layouts which seemed to be static displays. I am all for realistic operation, but people do need to see something move from time to time. One layout in particular had nothing moving (other than a few bells) for five minutes!

Despite this I really I did enjoy the show, and even considered making a second visit the following day. My wallet won the argument though.


Congrats to all involved.


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