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Hitching a ride?



I'm always on the lookout for the unusual to include on my model railways. Either as scenic cameos or wagon loads.

Like 100's of others I have a Bachmann "Weltrol" wagon, usually these come with either a boiler or transformer type of load and like all mass produced rolling stock looks the same as everyone else's.


So when the opportunity of purchasing a non working 009 model of this Alco locomotive came my way I jumped at he chance of getting it before it's owner put it on Ebay.


The Alco may be more well known to narrow gauge modellers as "Mountaineer" of Ffestiniog railway fame.

I wasn't bothered that the chassis didn't run or that the rear pony truck and wheels were missing as all I wanted it for was a suitable load for my Welltrol.


An afternoons' work on the bench and a spot of paint produced this.






After removing the boiler load I stuck the Alco down to the bed of the wagon with some 5 min epoxy, I don't want it to drop off!

I used some fine chain to secure the load to the wagon and that's it, Job done.


Look out for it in use on either Pen Y Bont or Morfa Bach/Penmaenpool at an exhibition soon!




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Looks like an early restoration project heading from the scrapyard to a group of eager but inexperienced (this would have been the dawn of the preservation movement) enthusiasts!



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