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Greystones, take 1

London cambrian


Hi all.


Exam revision has put paid to a large amount of the model engineering, that and lack of laser cut components, but that hasnt stopped me going out and playing trains!




The greystones railway is a private railway near bath, built into a hillside. its featured on here before but not this year. The owner has alarge collection of engine and wagons but they were hardly needed because we were so full!


The roster,

2 metrovicks, which we bought because we had given the other an overhaul (nightmare that was!), No 18 Michael faraday (spent most of the time on yard pilot duty) and no 17 Florence Nightingale (friends who we overhauled)

2 LSWR 02s in BR black, i know three people with one in that livery. These two are numbers 17 and 27 i think, seaview and Merstone.

1 GWR manor, that had come from kent, with a large amount of wagons

1 Highland railway loch class, a beautiful model, little light on its feet, but when put on our teak coaxhes, looked stunning

1 LNER K1 mogul, in black, a regular engine but the owner had come from lincolneshire and bough 20 wagons with him, including 6 oil tankers

A rather burbly BR green western

A rather worn black five which had not been run in something like 30 years, but in its worn livery and Kempenfelts chalk markings, looked rather 1968esque


Over two days, other engines visited.

Galloping gertie, the GWR ex M&SWJR mogul, also known as galloping alice.

A very nice, but a little shiny Adams Radial tank in SR green

A 1361 GWR saddletank,

unusually, because we dont allow these in GL5, a German railways Harz railway system mallet tank, again an engine that hadne been run in a while.


Two metrovicks in our boot, an unusual site indeed.


We arrived to see the railway up and running on saturday, so unloaded just the car, the usual 8 wagons but this time two locos. having got both running, and found the track was really swamped, the coaches remained away till later in the day. We spent a day mostly running freight turns, and taking a shunting turn in the yard. We got the coaches out about 3 and they had a few runs round, before we packed up about 5. All the engines staying overnight and wagons and coaches packed into the garage and after more railway talk, we went down the puba and 14 of us whiled away the evening talking of all things railway!





The black five complete with 1968 style chalk messages of Dont let me die, the end and a drawn BR logo, carefully copied on by Kempenfelt


Second day dawned and i having received a rude 6 am wake up call from this little ######,


(yes the monty python sketch did spring to mind, it'll be an ex parrot, it will cease to be!)


breakfast duly eaten all the stock was pulled out the garage, with the metrovick acting as pilot, wagons taken to the yard and coaches inot the station. Our loco spent most of the day in the yard that day, a more prototypical operation was run, pick up feeights organised, local passenger turns organise, including one with a milk portion of two tankers, mineral trains and an oils train.


I spent most of the morning working the box. the aforementioned loch, being light on its feet presented an operation difficulty considering the gradient on the line. The manor took charge of the minerals, with one 02 on the local passenger. the Black 5 and K1 took a back seat until the lunch, when we reversed running direction and the K1 took over from the manor, with the Loch running tender first. We packed up and left about 4 pm, but I understand that they ran into the evening, not packing up till late, and ran the monday as well, though the weather was nowhere near as good.






A request was put in by the owner, and depsite being a riding truck, our milk van was coupled into the train, their feeling was that it looked appropriately victorian!




I'm surprised the owner let me shoot this one, he would never suffer the indignity of being rescued buy an electric!




The harz tank, another shelf rescue i think. Made a wonderful sound though!




That was two weeks ago, bit of a delay, last weekend went to the Mid hants to watch the ful size 02 which was over from IoW, and had a good chat to the owner of the third 5 inch 02.


Right, cheers



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yeah great fun.

beginning to like tuning the signal boxes as much as shunting.


off up to gilling this weekend, my first mainline rally, word is we have station pilot duties and some local passenger turns. perhaps a pick up or k class freight turn as well.


should be fun, will put pics up next week

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Nice pic's Mark, many thanks for posting and what I missed on the 2nd day too!


The mallet I believe is the one that was built by Gordon Dando. I admired this loco when i was a little nipper growing up at the club. Sadly Gordon died recently and his loco's and workshop were offered to club members, good to see the mallet hasn't gone too far! :-)


Have a great time ooop north!! Please pass on my apologies to everyone (especially the tea ladies) as i'm gonna have to keep my head buried in the books this time! Exams next week so i'll be let out again for RailEx!


All the best with your studies too, unless that is all over and done with now, in which case enjoy your newly regained freedom!!! :-D


Cheers for now!



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Hi paul cheers for that.


I never met Gordon Dando but i met his son glyn a few times. he was good friend with my dad for a while, and my grandfather, (peter gardner, chief engineer at frimley if you know him, everyone else seems to!) knew Gordon well, through 2 1/2 gauge society (gauge 3 to the modellers on here! ;)) and actually knew nigel through that route as well! Its a small world we live in!


Will enjoy Gilling, esepcially station pilot duty. Secretly think doug just wants to have a good look at the engine on radiocontrol, especially as he recently confessed to finding LT fascinating! Also rumours of double heading on radio control with mike Aherne, should be fun!


Exams not over yet, last day on friday but got another 5 weeks till exams are over, all 10 of them! Wish me luck, gilling will be a welcome break!


Cheers paul and all



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Why not volunteer on your local preserved line in signalling? Then you can get great view of the trains and run a box!

Good luck with the exams. We have all enjoyed these blogs, more like a proper railway, just a bit smaller, than modelling.

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Hi, would volunteer, but all this 5 inch stuff makes regular stuff a bit difficult! Any, nothing really near, got battlefield line, and severn valley but there still 20 miles+.


Nah i like running the 5 inch boxes, The greystones one is pretty good, the levers are miniature replicas and the signals all give a satisfying club. Also, far more action than a real preserved railway! Much more laid back as well! You can leave the box to supervise shunting in the knowledge nothing is likely to go wrong because its a short distance and nobodys in a rush and others can take over easily. Theres another box i ran back in december, over in cambridgeshire, all the lever frames are Ex London transport (courtesy of my signaller friend, the one with the other metrovick) That we had bell codes between boxes going, which reminded me of the Pendennis railway i occasionaly helped with, massive 00 system with interlocking signals, timetable working and bell codes. Great fun. Featured in RM the othe year.





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