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Gilling mainline rally May 19th-20th 2012

London cambrian


How do all.


Well, I'll take abreak from my constant schedul or revising ;) to bring you the news of the weekend just gone


Twice a year, Ryedale Society of model engineers and The Lindsey Model society (Yes the LMS!) Organise a Main line rally at the Ryedale track at Gilling (Village of Gilling East, look up 54.184772,-1.061845 in google maps).


Its a double track mainline with three yards, an MPD and rolling stock storage bunker, semi automated signalling system as well as two manual signal boxes. I woul;dnt say its the perfect place fo railway operations but it does a damn good job! A large amount of stock lives at Gilling, including a rake of 13 BR Mark 1 coaches, detailed down to the nth degree. That and ahost of Ryedale members wagons. But when a mainline rally is on, it gets very crowded despite its size, and we had 200 plus wagons there, and probably around 30 coaches with 10 parcels vehicles. So alot of stock. Around 15-20 steam engines, and 10 diesel or electric locos,





The railway is all run to a timetable, with each move planned a head, starting about 8 am with a bunker pilot duty, trip workings, the local passenger, Parcels, milk, the Down Paletine express, and then varying trains of Fish, Mineral, Oil train, Pick up goods, Fitted vans, semi fitted freight, bulk steel, etc etc. The only thing we are short of are permenant way trains, mainly because we lack the stock! The odd mishap or cancellation happens because of loco failure, of which there were quite a few this weekend, but trip freights and special movements are organised as traffic demands, and yard pilot duties are changed regularly with trains departing from one yard, terminating in another and running light loco back to the shed, often with the pilot at change of shift.

I think minimumm motive power required is 4 train engines and 5 pilots (1 for each yard and 2 spare as up and down line pilot/spares)but a lot more are often in steam waiting to come on or off shift.




My Weekend


It was touch and go whether we would go or not, but glad we did cos we had a great time. Its my first time there, done loads of other GL5 stuff but never the rally. The weather nearly put us off, me and my dad were both tired on the friday night, and bad weather would not be kind to our coaches so we were in two minds. So, having hitched up the trailer, loco, someone elses wagon, (a very nice NE drop door wooden hopper), riding truck and the 4th coach, completed the day before in the boot, we set off on the 3 hr journey up north. We got there, meeting friend from previous events there, pitched tent and sidled off down the pub to talk all things railway. Returned from Pub about 11;30, went to check our duty roster (you are given a charge sheet of all the duties we would be handling that day) Anyway, started talking to a couple of guys and ended up not going to bed till 1:30!



First day dawned, got up to see people getting engines ready for their first turns at 7:30am! So, unloaded engine and took a proper read of my charge sheet for the day. 3 duties, but in the end we ended up doing 4 because a friend was double booked. He was meant to be in both the up and down yards at the same time. So as we had that duty before him, we just carried on and covered his. )its very unusual to do so many, most people are booked for only 2 maybe 3) we left the yard at 20 to 12, for PA4, down yard and station pilot duty. A duty that involves frantic rushing around then sitting idel for long periods, running onto the mainline occasionally and being quick on your feet, especially with the signalman shouting abuse at you! (all light hearted of course!) We were on for an hour and a half, covering the next pilot as well before being rushed over to the up yard to form the 14;25 up local, double headed with another electric. It was on this run that we blew a fuse on the bank with 10 coaches on, so, as a failed loco, rescued by the standby pilot. this put our final run in jeopardy but a leant fuse meant we could fulfill it, taking it cautiously with our 4 coaches, the teak glistening in the sunlight.






Myself taking the teaks out, the dribving truck looking truly in place, not a hugely common thing




Sunday dawned dry but overcast. Our turns were not till 2pm, so we could relax abit. Our second turn would be a local around 4pm, but as its the last day and ecveryone packs up, i went to the duty foremna, alan and put myself forward for cover duties. A duty duly arrived in the shape of covering the up local passenger with 3 mark 1s and some fish vans, for a failed class 20.



With that turn completed, retrurn to shed, and get some tea! However around lunch was again called after one engine didnt show and thother failed, but that turn was covered buy a better suited loco. So, back to standby. Then, talking and eating cake in the clubhouse, Foreman comes in, 'can you cover a pilot turn?' of course, i can, so 13:43 off shed, over to the down yard to fill a by now familiar station pilot turn!


All the time when on station pilot turn, also acting as shunter, organiser and all round dogsbody to the signalman! Anyway, the coaches got a run, with our friend other metropolitan electric, in an afternoon local, a great sight with the engine whirring its way up the banks.

All too soon it was over, we packed the coaches uinto the trailer and beat a hasty retreat home, just before 5, stopping to collect some bits for my next wagons, and saying our goodbyes, and 'see you at the AGM at Brenthouse'







121 wagons just in this one yard at one point, more round the track and wagons that never came out, stayed in the bunker!


Amongst my favourite wagons there, as well as various extraordinary loads, plate glass, foundry castings, ships propellors , a diving bell, several cars, cable drums, a tunel gauging vehicle, and other assorted oddballs!




All in all a very enjoyable but very tiring weekend, i do have a few things iwould change or note, but i wont bore you here!

Its not perfect, it does fall down in one or two places and as any club you get the odd character, and difference of opinion but its hugely enjoyable and definitely something i'll do again, hopefully in August!


If any one wishes to come and watch, the public are more than welcome to come and watch. The next event is August bank holiday if your in the area. Say hello to me, follow what the organisers ask, unlike some people we encountered and got all officious, but most of all come, watch and enjoy!




Sorry its so long, but a long weekend deserves a write up!


If your still with me,


Cheers all




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Thoroughly enjoyed reading this, Mark. I'd love to be involved in this sort of thing, but my skills and health, amongst other things, just wouldn't be up to the job. I'll be pleased to see the next instalment.



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Thanks for showing what I missed Mark, all these practice exam papers are getting rather boring now!!! :-) Hopefully I'll be able to make it for August, I can't miss both rally's in the year, otherwise it'll be the first time since my first visit in1999 that I haven't been able to make one or t'other!!


All the best for the exams, can't wait till mine are over, then I can relax at RailEX!!! :-D





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And not a single shot of the best looking engine there (A green Western), how disapointing. :) Those Met coach's do look lovely though. Off down to London for a few nights work now,earn the penny's to buy bits and finish the wagons I've been threating to finish for the last two years!



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hi all.


Typically, during exam periods I am laid up ill so I'll put in this response.

Indeed most people don't have that many in 00, this is the result of anything upto 30 yrs work, for the older wagons, and about 40 members who were there.

thanks for your responses, its fairly easy to get involved, we always need shunters, signallers and organisers, so join up, get our magazine, come along to a rally. you don't have to have wagons or an engine really, if you just wanna watch or get involved in the operating side of things.


cheers Paul, good luck with the exams too, maybe see you at the AGM at brents in 4 weeks? this was my first mainline rally, missed last august and had only just started really last May. I'll try make it to the august one.

Hey John, good to see you on here. I mostly missed your beast of a western but I'll try and put up a part two, with a best of the videos and and a few more shots, your western makes it into a few!


Anyway, cheers guys.



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Thanks Mark, and get well soon!! I was I'll last week and know what you mean about not being able to revise when ill!!


Unfortunately I'm going to miss the AGM too!! :-s I didn't realise it's the same weekend as the Radio1 Hackney festival which I've been lucky enough to get tickets for!


Unfortunately it looks like I'll have exams in August too, but we'll see if I can make an exception!! :-D


Good to see you too Jonny!


Oh, as well as the awesome Western, any chance of some pics (or video) of this rumoured coal drop and hoppers??? ;-) Also any pics of the 16t and 21t's together would be good!


Ta!!!!! :-D

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cheers paul,


yeah the guys at gilling rigged up a coal drop for the 5 21 ton hoppers which were there. I didnt get any vids/pics, but there is a vid on youtube when the first hopper was demonstrated at lindsey last summer.


Gutted over AGM. Its gonna be a good one, brent has promised to arrange some good weather! But if your ###### something else, well i suppose you'll be allowed off!


The western is an impressive beast, its twice the length of our electric, but what was even more impressive was the pair of 37s that were there at the weekedn. both are using really good deep sound systems and when they were double headed their throty rumle was really something else. I'll se i fi have a vid of them, post up a bit later.


Alright all, may post part 2 later.



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Hey Jonny,

also missing, a good looking 37 - Loch EIl ???


ok, she looks a bit "grubby" but I'm not gonna clean her up now :)

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ah yeah, its in my vids somewhere, ones i havnt put up. But i must say that 37 is certainly was fabulous!

anyone who doesnt know its a superbly weathered 5 inch 37 in blue with yellow ends. But like the green 7 it also has a teally deep sound system and the two double heading up the bank had to be heard!


how did you weather it? Was it using conventional smaller scale techniques?



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Hi Mark, thanks for the compliments

yes the same methods as for smaller scale.... just with bigger brushes and airbrush !

I started off weathering 00/HO , then 0, then G and finally 5inch.... so far !!......


One day I must write up an article for GL5 or similar mag with all the works done on her from when I bought her, when she looked completely wrong


got the R/C working now too, which was causing some issues up there (you may have seen us crowded round with the roof off scratching our heads), so come August I can ride the back of train and if double heading again there wont be a need to have a giant bloke in the middle ...


all good :)

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Hi Mike.


Gonna look at weathering my pannier when its done. They never ran clean!


Go ahead, write an article for turnout, we'd all be fascinated, and Dave Noble is always short of articles, so go ahead.


We first ran our remote control last summer, had no trouble from the word go. Are you using the 4QD DMR with their controller? But the Radio control does make things sooo much better and more fun. Means you can shunt and jettison a riding truck as well. We also often have fun watching it run from a distance. Would love to see yours on the 13 mk1s at gilling, no truck!


Next post coming later this evening



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Hi Mark


I'll crack on with it then....


I need to get some more weight into her to pull the Mk1's

Dan Jeavons design of MDF box for teh body is great but there is no "chassis" in effect.. so she's a bit light in her feet


Also need to get leisure batteries but again due to the build layout they need to be of same size as my normal car batteries and most seem to be larger than that :-(

might have to make do with a 2nd set of car batteries... oh well


Yes I'm using the DMR-203 - I did have a glitch where she wouldn't go into reverse, spent ages trying to work out why, and eventually got diagnosed as being due to a relay connected to the reverse wire on the VTX which is used to reverse the lights... so gotta modify that arrangement also but should be fairly easy


all good fun !!

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Good oh. Dan Jeavons did the moulding for our body shell, though really a bit rough ours was, how was yours as a moulding?



We just use ordinary car batteries in ours, we have never found any benefit from any other sort of batteries, so we just use ordinary lead acids.


We found the DMR dead easy to plug in. the only work we actually had to do was to break into the hand controller feed, and put a switch in so we could flick between radio and handset, the DMR is designed for permenant Radio integration. But other than that, dead easy, other than 4QD supplying a reverse wired piece of wiring when we did a friends loco, that meant nothing worked, its all been fine. We switched to a more channel handset to put in lighting funtionality. So, not quite with you, your lighting circuits are built into your controler? we have a relay for our lights (two actually) but its nowhere near our control board?



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I bought the engine ready built bit looking pretty wrong and with basic moulding .http://www.flickr.co...0ck/7166175657/


But I always had the intention of stripping it and repainting / super-detailing etc so I wasn't worried

Good thing with it being a Jeavons model is you can do a lot of cutting / routing out without causing any loss in strength


Re- the lights,

I have red "marker" and white "headcode" lights in both ends (effectively 2 sets, wired 2 white to 2 red) so what the extra relay does is to sit connected to the reverse wire point (black wire) on the VTX main board, so when you select reverse from the hand controller, the black wire changes from 0v to 12v - this changes the relays on the VTX board to reverse the motors, but with the extra wire fed off it also activates that relay which alternates between the 2 sets of lights... if that makes sense ?


now with the DMR in the mix it is obviously more 'sensitive' than the manual switch and thus the 12v were all going to the relay which was in effect competing with it -- so it wasn't sending power to the VTX relays to change direction

It wasn't helped by the fact that the actual way the DMR was working (high and low volts on black wire) was opposite to how the guide said it did. plus the fact the chap from 4QD is, dare I say, "less than customer friendly" and not very helpful other than to assume I had wired it up wrong and blown it


all sorted now, i just need to introduce another transistor to interact with that relay to switch it without upsetting the DMR !!


The it will be on with fitting the smoke unit !

A vapouriser type which uses tap water and no heat at all - works amazingly well

Look up Foggy units from http://marksmodelbits.com/


Tell him Mike sent you.... :-)

I'm the first guy who's bought one of his units for model rail use.. but I suspect will not be the last once people see it in action









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Hi again


smoke unit all installed, works brilliantly

posted a video of her on test bench on youtube


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