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AMJ's Blog

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AMJ blog



Had an interesting few days advising dad on buying points for his layout. Peco electrofrogs. This also resulted in me drawing up the rail breaks and feed locations. This was done on his plan with a different colour for the breaks and red & black triangles for the feeds.


His layout is based on Rothwell E&WYUR with the attached pit.



Just a few cosmetic items - too warm to go into the loft at present.

A trio of Ratio coaches are in the process of being cut & shut to produce a brace of semi freelance six wheelers.



Have been busy adding yet more entries into the Leeds Engine database. It is nearly at 13000 recorded items......


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For those that are off to Railfest at York this weekend I'll be on the Middleton Railway stand on Saturday & Sunday 2nd & 3rd June.


We have the oo Dapol Middleton wagon on sale, DVD's and other items.


It has been confirmed you can buy tickets for our Steam 200 Gala from the stand for £10 compared to the on the day price of £12. Just think that £2 is well on the way to buying you a pint of Leeds Brewery ale at the Gala. See Middleton Railway website for details of visiting engines.

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What a bad week.


A Bachy 3F has just given me smoke from the decoder in the tender :( Found I have another cheapo 21 pin in a different loco only for same loco to give out more magic blue smoke.


Took out chip put in blanking plate had to wander out to the garage to test on dad's DC layout. Hey presto blue smoke from the loco.


Looks like loco on a trip to service centre! :(


Glad I didn't put an expensive chip in to blow it up :)

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