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A1 Models Freelance 009 Diesel - part 5 footsteps and couplings.



Footsteps now added;




These are made from 5mm x .3mm brass strip, folded up using a scrawker and a square needle file to make some fold lines.

I thought about open steps backed with mesh but went for solid steps, partly for simplicity and partly for ruggedness.


Couplings are RT Models 'Harrogate Gasworks' type. These have a nice heavy fabricated base, not unlike those used on some NCB underground locos. The back face of the coupling base needs to be filed flat before use. The buffer part hasn't been glued into the base yet, I'll do that after painting to make life easier;




The orange beacon on the roof is just resting in place, I'll glue the base part on after spraying the body with etch primer and the beacon itself after the final coat of paint.


I've added weight inside the bonnet and cab;




I use aquarium plant weight, which comes in a roll and is 6mm wide and about .9mm thick. Its probably more expensive than lead flashing but is easy to cut up into small pieces. The complete loco weighs about 54 grams, with room for more weight if necessary.


At the front of the loco behind the bufferbeam can be seen the plastic spacer used to level the chassis.


I imagine this loco working in a steel stockyard or in a colliery on surface work.



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Thanks Pete.


No plans for making the beacon flash I'm afraid, I know that its possible but its beyond my current skill level.



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