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Curved baseboards



Been working on the turnback at the south end today, drawing it up full-size and trying to get the right compromise between minimum radius and space used. I tested lots of my argumentative rolling stock and found that pretty much everything would go around an 800mm curve [just under 32in]. I've made this the inside radius and designed these boards to be three tracks wide - the actual width of the board is 165mm with 50mm track centres. These will not be scenic boards and removable when not running.


I hope to build three sections to turn through 225 degrees. There is a convenient point to spring off the wall at the very end of the room, where one join can be, the second is above a big table so a short leg and foot can stand on this. The last section will have some conventional trestle legs or a single leg 'foot' before bridging back to the wall section in a long transition reverse curve. I want it to be as lightweight and unobtrusive as possible.


I may have a go at building these in foamboard with thin ply outers as I was really impressed by Chris Nevard's use of this material for his baseboards. I've used it for small scenic sections and I can source lots of scrap material for free. If this doesn't work: conventional cut ply top with ply 'walls'.


To trace the curves I drilled a few holes in a long piece of scrap ply and ran a bolt through a block with some double sided tape on the base. This was then easy to draw the arcs required by sticking a pencil through the hole and tracing a line. You can see some of my amateur trigomometry on the wallpaper... after three tries I never did get my O-Level maths.



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Looks good, I'll be interested to see how you tackle this one as i'm thinking of producing two boards for my next layout which will make it turn through 90 degrees. I was thinking of using the same basis as Pempoul, ply frame with pink foam core.

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If its good enough for Pempoul then its good enough for me! I hadn't thought of using a solid piece - I actually have lots of Celotex insulation board left over from some building work and might see if I can't use some of this. Also considering if its posible to hinge two sections together AND where I can use my trusty LEGO as well...

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