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Introducing Quatt



Hi all, I'd like to introduce myself and my layout.


I'm a N gauge modeller of five years who has recently changed to modelling 00. I live 5 minutes from the SVR (kidderminster end) and so I tend to model GWR but am trying my hand at LMS of late.


My current layout I call Quatt, fictional layout, but taking its name from an area not far from myself that never had a station, but if it had, I'd like to think, would be something similar to the Quatt I'm modelling.


Having not modelled 00 in several years, I'm pretty much starting from scatch with my skills, so I'm sure I'll be calling on everyones help on this site.


Below Ive added a few photos of my progress so far....










Please excuse the messy room, and the tredmill (that i really should use). I'm now off to the SVR for their Peep Behind the Scenes weekend.

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Can i ask why you're swapping from N to OO? I'm interested as I'm trying to plan a small layout and I'm still trying to decide which scale to go for. I don't have much space available so N would give me more scope but I enjoy weathering and building wagons and it's just easier in OO.

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Hi Paul, well I think it boiled down to me not being able to get the detail I wanted. I've seen N gauge layouts with unbelievable detail so its probably just my skills

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