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All Change for Turton-on-Croal



Yikes, a nearly a year has passed. Harry now has a County and a pug running on his trackmat, with a few extra wagons. I have completely revised my plan.


The helices have gone. My current idea is 2mm.


Top level double track mainline with an external circuit and lines from south and west (appearing from cuttings, so no tunnels) going to the town station and then a cut & cover where the tracks join the circuit out of sight. Before the station, the lines split to go to the goods yard through another cut & cover. On the North side of the circuit two lines descend to the mid level.


At mid level, a single track line with passing places also does a circuit. Three lines come from the circuit on the East, one through gates to a wharf, one from downriver behind (actually through) a factory/warehouse and one from a quarry behind other warehouses. This runs through a dockside with station and either goes on towards Town 2 (offboard) upriver under a bridge with the top level lines, or crosses over the river where it meets a line from Town 2 (again under a bridge)and proceeds towards the town. Again, a line runs to the goods yard and the other terminates at the station.


The North side of the circuit has lines climbing to the top level and descending to the bottom level. The bottom level has two reversing loops.


Both top and mid levels have hidden sidings. This is 50cm wide, to be shared by the two levels.


The climbs are about 1 in 60 and straight. They are only used to get access to the reversing loops, so few trains will use them. Minimum radius is 60cm, all turnouts B9 Versaline, plaintrack Easitrac. I will post an XtrkCad plan once I have drawn it.


I should be able to have quite a busy layout, with lots of entrances and exits, subject to being able to make enough rolling stock. I will be able to start playing trains with sixteen turnouts and two loops, and then add the rest of the track later. Software will be Freiwald, hardware either LDT or ESU with Cobalt and NCE Switch-8


To this end I will first be constructing a test track about 150 cm long with a single turnout and curve.


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