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A fantasy justification for a layout

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Some track laying at last

I have started track laying with the board which carries the point-work controlled by Stourhampton South. The procedure is a follows:   The underlay is self-adhesive black 'Fab Foam', from Hobby Craft. A sheet slightly larger than A4 is 80p.   The points are a mixed selection of 'pre-loved' Peco streamline, stock rails are bonded to the closure rails, closure rails are cut with a Dremel-type disc cutter and pre-wired with a foot of wire for frog (pink), feed (red) and return (black). Insulfr



Change of Plan

My original intention, as discussed in previous blog entries, was to use the main house loft for Stourhampton at 30'2 x 9'6" but the enabling works, (heating, cooling, plumbing diversion, flooring) plus noise restrictions after children's bedtime, make this impracticable at a reasonable budget.   This thread -   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/71727-design-for-stourhampton/   - attacked the project from the other end, by developing a realistic track and signalling scheme



Cutting the first sod

The first practical steps on this project are to make the loft more habitable and to clear space for the layout. The apex of the roof is over 9' above floor level. I don't want to heat the 3' above my head so I will fit collars of 3/4" x 1 1/2" at about 6'6" height to each roof truss. As luck would have it, these work out at 6' long so they don't even need to be cut to length. Although quite small section they will add strength as well as support fluorescent fittings and foil/bubble insulati



Concept for the Model

I intend to create a 00 model of Stourhampton in my loft which has a useable area 9.2m x 2.9m. The GW passenger station will be built on a 180 degree curve around one end, with extensive goods facilities on the two long sides. The curve at the other end will contain the fiddle yards.   The single-track Midland line will cross the GW North yard on a skew viaduct, run down the centre of the loft space, loop back over the GW fiddle yard, run behind the backscene and complete the circuit inside



Premise for a fantasy

I have followed The Archers since being introduced to it by my girlfriend, now my wife, over 25 years ago. For all its crazy plot lines it keeps a subtle foothold in real geography and relates to real world events in a way TV can never do. For the uninitiated, the action takes place in the imaginary county of Borsetshire. This occupies the physical area of East Worcestershire, West Warwickshire and North Gloucestershire, but in a different time-space continuum.   There is even a map of the



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