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Making stuff in S7

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Wagon wheels

i have been unhappy with the back of the Slaters wheels as they are nothing like the real thing, so I chucked a pair of S7 wheels in the soft jaw and took 16 thou off the back of the wheel center.       I think it is an mprovementthey look more three dimensional. next thing is the axles......



14xx episode 7 - turning tyres pt2

Lots of pictures here, they make more sense than my ramblings, so I will just stick to a few comments for each one, I must stress this is not the perfect/best way of tackling this job, but it works for me with the tools I have. For those who are interested I used to have a Myford ML7 with DROs and I really miss them, they are especially useful for this sort of job. If you have any questions fire away. The essential measuring tools, I have two 2-3 inch micrometers to save adjusting them for di



14xx episode 6 - getting there

I have been chasing small jobs on the chassis and there isnt that much left to do, the problem at the moment is fixing the lost was springs under the hornblocks as i can't solder them as I need to drop the axles out, so I might have to make up some method of screwing them in place. the brake gear will just drop out when the pivot pins are removed, (in the photos they have yet to be trimmed to length) and a drop of superglue will hold them in place when the final assembly takes place.    



Some oldies

Whilst sorting out the photo albums I found these, they are all pre 1906 (:icon_wave: Buckjumper, Mikkel) stock any questions fire away The first two wagons are from WEP kits modified with sprung axleguards         Something Broad Gauge - a tilt wagon from a BGS kit       An E26 from CPL side with slaters bogies, the rest is scratchbuilt       Finally that rarest of things a finished project!! this coach is 20 years old I didn't know about the inner brown lining on



14xx episode 5 - turning tyres

I got a little fed up of soldering small pipe clip so I thought I would turn to a rescue job on the lathe for some relaxation. I intend to use AGH wheels on this model, and indeed I turned a set up, but in my haste I made the tyre treads too narrow :icon_frustrated::icon_redface: which is my fault for doing precision work late at night. I wont go into full detail of the process but the main concern is to maintain concentricity of the tyre and wheel, fortunatly the axle hole in the casting is



14xx Episode 4 - more pipework

Quick progress report, these fiddly jobs are taking an age and I have added extra detail such as cable brackets and stand offs, anyway its late so here we go cables along the footplate in reality these were very untidy but on a model it looks awful so I have gone for a compromise... Some work on the battery box, the gusset behind the bufferbeam is from scrap etch but it was handy to hang the battery box from Overall looking like a 14xx, well 1447 as it is now There is a lot of piping o



14xx episode 3 - pipes

Nothing very exciting, just those PITA jobs that make or break the final model. the first shot shows the pipe run under the footplate along the valance, I included this because it shows the little brass spacer screwed to the body mounting, this is to save the ATC and steam heat pipes from being damage when resting the model on the bench, the steps are sufficient at the rear, the other thing that might be of interest is the round nose pliers used for forming the bends in the pipes, they make the



MOK 14xx episode 2

I spent last night working on the tanks on the 14xx, the tops are highly visible so i wanted to add some scale hardware bolts to the boiler clamp (or whatever its called!) was it worth it? well i think so. I have added the picture of the hornblocks under construction to show how simple they are    



Class B tank wagon

A couple of quick shots of a finished MMP tank wagon, this is the second I have built. If you like highly detailed kits I would recommend it without hesitation, just don't expect to complete it in a week I would estimate that I put in over 100 hours I am unsure if the 'Esso plate' was still carried in the early 70's, i have colour pictures with it removed in the late 70's, but I might leave it as it reminds me of the Airfix kit Iused to have. Here are the working leaf springs



A layout? surely not!

Well this has always been a tricky issue, why? well I cant make my mind up!! I have a few pet scenarios spread over 4 timeframes all GWR or BR(W)   Paddington C1906, well something round the back anyway, Bishops road or the goods depot Paddington C1970 similar scenario to the above but with all those lovely hydraulics and parcels stock Winchester C 1930 Didcot Newbury and Southampton Rly, half the station not including the goods yard Winchester C 1948 but with Q1's and T9's as well as an an



N13 Horsebox

I found this in my todo pile, yet another horsebox, I really must crack on with the chassis....The kit is from WEP whilst its quite accurate there are some problems with the ironwork on the body side but I have overcome these. The closeup shows my method of getting nicely rounded hinges by using thin strip folded double



MOK 14xx

I have been working on a 14xx chassis which can be seen in the chassispro2 jig, which incidentally makes construction very straightforward the more interesting point is the hornblocks which I am working on hopefully you can see the ballraces, these really do make a difference and I will try and standardise on them in future. A side benefit is that they almost eliminate sideplay, which is something you don't really want with S7 clearences The ballraces also showing some smaller 2mmi/d



The workshop

I have only used Wordpress for blogging before so i am feeling my way around this. at the moment images are linked to a picasa but this may also be changed once I get a feel for things anyway, without further ado, a few shots of the work area just to show that i actually do make something, first up is the workbench nothing special. in the photo you can see the RSU and a ERSA soldering station. the draws on the right have all the hand tools Next up and to the left of the bench is the library,



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